更新时间:2021-08-20 16:55:38
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Chapter 1. Geospatial Development Using Python
Geospatial development
Applications of geospatial development
Recent developments
Chapter 2. GIS
Core GIS concepts
GIS data formats
Working with GIS data manually
Chapter 3. Python Libraries for Geospatial Development
Reading and writing geospatial data
Dealing with projections
Analyzing and manipulating geospatial data
Visualizing geospatial data
Chapter 4. Sources of Geospatial Data
Sources of geospatial data in vector format
Sources of geospatial data in raster format
Sources of other types of geospatial data
Choosing your geospatial data source
Chapter 5. Working with Geospatial Data in Python
Changing datums and projections
Representing and storing geospatial data
Performing geospatial calculations
Converting and standardizing units of geometry and distance
Chapter 6. GIS in the Database
Spatially-enabled databases
Spatial indexes
Open source spatially-enabled databases
Commercial Spatially-enabled databases
Recommended best practices
Working with geospatial databases using python
Chapter 7. Working with Spatial Data
Designing and building the database
Downloading the data
Importing the data
Implementing the DISTAL application
Application review and improvements
Chapter 8. Using Python and Mapnik to Generate Maps
Introducing Mapnik
Creating an example map
Mapnik in depth
MapGenerator revisited
Map definition files
Chapter 9. Putting It All Together – a Complete Mapping System
About ShapeEditor
Designing ShapeEditor
The structure of a Django application
Setting up the database
Setting up the ShapeEditor project
Defining the ShapeEditor's applications
Creating the shared application
Defining the data models
Playing with the admin system
Chapter 10. ShapeEditor – Implementing List View Import and Export
Implementing the "list shapefiles" view
Importing shapefiles
Exporting shapefiles
Chapter 11. ShapeEditor – Selecting and Editing Features
Selecting a feature to edit
Editing features
Adding features
Deleting features
Deleting shapefiles
Using ShapeEditor
Further improvements and enhancements