第21章 CHAPTER IX(2)
She could scarcely believe in her good fortune,especially when she remembered the description of the man which one of the staff had given.He was gruff,vulgar,ill-tempered;the chief ought to be kicked for letting her go near him!This was what she had been told.She laughed softly to herself.
"It is very good indeed of you,Mr.Trent,"she said earnestly."Iwas quite nervous about coming,for I had no idea that you would be so kind.Shall I finish my sketch first,and then perhaps you will be able to spare me a few minutes for the interview?""Just as you like,"he answered."May I look at it?""Certainly,"she answered,holding out the block;"but it isn't half finished yet.""Will it take long?""About an hour,I think.""You are very clever,"he said,with a little sigh.
She laughed outright.
"People are calling you the cleverest man in London to-day,"she said.
"Pshaw!It isn't the cleverness that counts for anything that makes money."Then he set his teeth hard together and swore vigorously but silently.She had become suddenly interested in her work.A shrill burst of laughter from the lawn in front had rung sharply out,startling them both.A young woman with fluffy hair and in a pale blue dinner-dress was dancing to an unseen audience.Trent's eyes flashed with anger,and his cheeks burned.The dance was a music-hall one,and the gestures were not refined.Before he could stop himself an oath had broken from his lips.After that he dared not even glance at the girl by his side.
"I'm very sorry,"he muttered."I'll stop that right away.""You mustn't disturb your friends on my account,"she said quietly.
She did not look up,but Trent felt keenly the alteration in her manner.
"They're not my friends,"he exclaimed passionately "I'll clear them out neck and crop."She looked up for a moment,surprised at his sudden vehemence.There was no doubt about his being in earnest.She continued her work without looking at him,but her tone when she spoke was more friendly.
"This will take me a little longer than I thought to finish properly,"she said."I wonder might I come down early to-morrow morning?What time do you leave for the City?""Not until afternoon,at any rate,"he said."Come to-morrow,certainly -whenever you like.You needn't be afraid of that rabble.
I'll see you don't have to go near them.""You must please not make any difference or alter your arrangements on my account,"she said."I am quite used to meeting all sorts of people in my profession,and I don't object to it in the least.
Won't you go now?I think that that was your dinner-bell."He hesitated,obviously embarrassed but determined."There is one question,"he said,"which I should very much like to ask you.It will sound impertinent.I don't mean it so.I can't explain exactly why I want to know,but I have a reason.""Ask it by all means,"she said."I'll promise that I'll answer it if I can.""You say that you are -a journalist.Have you taken it up for a pastime,or -to earn money?""To earn money by all means,"she answered,laughing."I like the work,but I shouldn't care for it half so much if I didn't make my living at it.Did you think that I was an amateur?""I didn't know,"he answered slowly."Thank you.You will come to-morrow?""Of course!Good evening.""Good evening."Trent lifted his hat,and turned away unwillingly towards the house,full of a sense that something wonderful had happened to him.He was absent-minded,but he stopped to pat a little dog whose attentions he usually ignored,and he picked a creamy-white rose as he crossed the lawn and wondered why it should remind him of her.