While the envoys of the Court of Berlin were in a state of such squalid poverty as moved the laughter of foreign capitals, while the food placed before the princes and princesses of the blood-royal of Prussia was too scanty to appease hunger, and so bad that even hunger loathed it, no price was thought too extravagant for tall recruits.The ambition of the King was to form a brigade of giants, and every country was ransacked by his agents for men above the ordinary stature.These researches were not confined to Europe.No head that towered above the crowd in the bazaars of Aleppo, of Cairo, or of Surat, could escape the crimps of Frederic William.One Irishman more than seven feet high, who was picked up in London by the Prussian ambassador, received a bounty of near thirteen hundred pounds sterling, very much more than the ambassador's salary.This extravagance was the more absurd, because a stout youth of five feet eight, who might have been procured for a few dollars, would in all probability have been a much more valuable soldier.But to Frederic William, this huge Irishman was what a brass Otho, or a Vinegar Bible, is to a collector of a different kind.
It is remarkable, that though the main end of Frederic William's administration was to have a great military force, though his reign forms an important epoch in the history of military discipline, and though his dominant passion was the love of military display he was yet one of the most pacific of princes.
We are afraid that his aversion to war was not the effect of humanity, but was merely one of his thousand whims.His feeling about his troops seems to have resembled a miser's feeling about his money.He loved to collect them, to count them, to see them increase; but he could not find it in his heart to break in upon the precious hoard.He looked forward to some future time when his Patagonian battalions were to drive hostile infantry before them like sheep; but this future time was always receding; and it is probable that, if his life had been prolonged thirty years, his superb army would never have seen any harder service than a sham fight in the fields near Berlin.But the great military means which he had collected were destined to be employed by a spirit far more daring and inventive than his own.
Frederic, surnamed the Great, son of Frederic William, was born in January 1712.It may safely be pronounced that he had received from nature a strong and sharp understanding, and a rare firmness of temper and intensity of will.As to the other parts of his character, it is difficult to say whether they are to be ascribed to nature, or to the strange training which he underwent.The history of his boyhood is painfully interesting.Oliver Twist in the parish workhouse, Smike at Dotheboys Hall, were petted children when compared with this heir apparent of a crown.The nature of Frederic William was hard and bad, and the habit of exercising arbitrary power had made him frightfully savage.His rage constantly vented itself to right and left in curses and blows.When his Majesty took a walk, every human being fled before him, as if a tiger had broken loose from a menagerie.If he met a lady in the street, he gave her a kick, and told her to go home and mind her brats.If he saw a clergyman staring at the soldiers, he admonished the reverend gentleman to betake himself to study and prayer, and enforced this pious advice by a sound caning, administered on the spot.But it was in his own house that he was most unreasonable and ferocious.His palace was hell, and he the most execrable of fiends, a cross between Moloch and Puck.His son Frederic and his daughter Wilhelmina, afterwards Margravine of Bareuth, were in an especial manner objects of his aversion.His own mind was uncultivated.He despised literature.
He hated infidels, papists, and metaphysicians, and did not very well understand in what they differed from each other.The business of life, according to him, was to drill and to be drilled.The recreations suited to a prince, were to sit in a cloud of tobacco smoke, to sip Swedish beer between the puffs of the pipe, to play backgammon for three halfpence a rubber, to kill wild hogs, and to shoot partridges by the thousand.The Prince Royal showed little inclination either for the serious employments or for the amusements of his father.He shirked the duties of the parade; he detested the fume of tobacco; he had no taste either for backgammon or for field sports.He had an exquisite ear, and performed skilfully on the flute.His earliest instructors had been French refugees, and they had awakened in him a strong passion for French literature and French society.
Frederic William regarded these tastes as effeminate and contemptible, and, by abuse and persecution, made them still stronger.Things became worse when the Prince Royal attained that time of life at which the great revolution in the human mind and body takes place.He was guilty of some youthful indiscretions, which no good and wise parent would regard with severity.At a later period he was accused, truly or falsely, of vices from which History averts her eyes, and which even Satire blushes to name, vices such that, to borrow the energetic language of Lord Keeper Coventry, "the depraved nature of man, which of itself carrieth man to all other sin, abhorreth them." But the offences of his youth were not characterised by any peculiar turpitude.