If companies were people, then we would be in the middle of one of the greatest health crises of the modern age. Once, the lifespan of a company on the Fortune 500 index of large businesses was 65 years. Today, it's only 20.In the last decade, most of the world's big, reliable firms have been displaced by digital upstarts: Apple, Amazon, Tencent, Google, Baidu, and Alibaba.
It gets worse. The chances of a company reinventing itself are low. The Corporate Strategy Board says efforts at digital transformation fail 95% of the time; Clayton Christensen,author of The Innovator's Dilemma,puts the number at 99%.
But there's some good news, too. Because technology has given us the ability to measure everything, accurately, better than ever before. We can know ourselves.
A 2011 MIT studyfound that companies that use data-driven analytics instead of intuition have 5%-6% higher productivity and profits than competitors. Over a few years, data and analytics is the difference between success and obscurity.
Data, it is often said, is the new oil. Data replaces opinions with accuracy, letting us know our customers, our suppliers, and ourselves with unprecedented clarity. And data is the food of artificial intelligence, because it's how we train machine learning algorithms.
On its own, oil isn't very useful.It just sits in the ground. To put oil to work takes an ecosystem: Refineries, gas stations, motors, regulations, roads, and more. And so it is with data. Simply collecting it won't help you; you need to extract it, clean it, analyze it, execute on what you learn, and feed that learning back into your systems.
As technology replaces many traditional tasks through automation and machine learning, we may wonder what is left for humans to do. The answer is simple: Think critically about what we want those machines to do for us. The most important skill for a human, whether they're a startup, an analyst, or a manager, is to ask the right question.Asking good questions is harder than it seems.It requires an understanding of the existing business model, the competitive landscape, and the resources at your disposal. But it also requires that we know that the existing business model is outdated, vulnerable, and ready for change.
A world powered by real-time information creates two roads. One road is littered with the bodies of companies that couldn't make the transformation, preferring anecdote over fact. The other road is paved with the profits of those who learned to harness data and embrace analytical thinking.
You're at a fork in this road. And right now, you're holding the map that will steer you down the right path.
Alistair Croll