About the Editors
Howard R. Balanoff is a professor of political science at Texas State University. He is also the chair of the university’s William P. Hobby Center for Public Service and serves as the director of the Texas Certified Public Manager (CPM) program. He is the author of numerous articles on public administration and planning and is the editor of the textbook Public Policy and Administration. He is currently chair of the American Society for Public Administration’s (ASPA) section for certified public management. Balanoff is a former member of ASPA’s National Council and a former president of the National Certified Public Manager Consortium. He has also served as chair of ASPA’s International Affairs Committee and chair of ASPA’s section on professional and organizational development.
Balanoff’s specialty areas are personnel administration, public policy, organizational theory and behavior, human resources administration, and professional development and education in the public sector. He holds the rank of Major USAF-Retired. Balanoff received a bachelor of arts in political science and history from Hunter College of the City University of New York. He received his master’s degree and doctorate in urban and regional planning from Texas A&M University.
Warren Master is president and editor-in-chief of The Public Manager and has written and spoken regularly; planned conferences, forums, and related events; and conducted training workshops on strategic management and workplace innovation for the past 35 years.
Master’s career in public service extends back to the mid-1960s when he and his wife served as Peace Corps volunteers in Turkey. Having served more than 29 years as a career manager in the federal government, 18 as a senior executive, he held a variety of high-level policy, program management, and administrative posts in diverse agency cultures. Including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where he held positions of acting assistant secretary of Human Development Services (HDS), both acting commissioner and career deputy commissioner of the Administration for Children, Youth, and Families, director of HDS’s Office of Policy Development, and chief of the Health Care Financing Administration’s Bureau of Quality Control; the Office of Economic Opportunity; and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), where he led cross-servicing and workplace of the future programs. He also served collaterally as a senior consultant and leader of a variety of management improvement initiatives of the National Performance Review.
After leaving the government, Master formed his own consulting firm and led an interagency study group for the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) on linking administrative support with mission results to meet the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. He consulted with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), including intensive on-site work in Nigeria and Bosnia and engagements with USAID’s Africa and Management bureaus. He also consulted with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Federal Aviation Administration, and U.S. Customs Service. Later, he joined the public accounting and consulting firm of Clifton Gunderson, LLP, as director of Public Management Consulting. This new practice focused principally on client agency needs for improved accountability, productivity, and organization performance, including organizations at all levels of government, nonprofit entities, and developing nations and emerging democracies overseas.