17.1 Every Member of Faculty, whether practising or not, must bear in mind that his conduct may reflect upon public confidence in the Faculty and the legal profession.
17.2 Crown Counsel
Although appointed to act as deputes of the Lord Advocate, Crown Counsel are, in their relations with the Courts, with Counsel for the defence, and with others, subject to the professional obligations of a practising Advocate.
17.3 Other public offices
Where an Advocate is the holder of a public office, for appointment to which he is qualified by reason of his status as Advocate, he is bound by all the professional obligations of a practising Advocate insofar as they are relevant to the performance of his duties.
17.4 Advocates in salaried employment
An Advocate in salaried employment engaged in legal work of any kind on his employer’s behalf is subject to all the professional obligations of an Advocate insofar as they are relevant to the performance of that work.He may not appear in a Court or tribunal on his employer’s behalf in reliance on his status as an Advocate, although he may so appear if he would have that right without that status.He may instruct another Advocate in the circumstances and on the matters specified in the Appendix, but not otherwise.