第4章 The Weather in His Soul——George Santayana
What governs the Englishman is his inner atmosphere,the weather in his soul.It is nothing particularly spiritual or mysterious.When he has taken his exercise and is drinking his tea or his beer and lighting his pipe;when,in his garden or by his fire,he sprawls in an aggressively comfortable chair;when well-washed and well-brushed,he resolutely turns in church to the east and recites the Creed(with genuflexions,if he likes genuflexions)without in the least implying that he believes one word of it;when he hears or sings the most crudely sentimental and thinnest of popular songs,unmoved but not disgusted;when he adopts aparty or asweetheart;when he is hunting or shooting or boating,or striding through the fields;when he is choosing his clothes or his profession—never is it aprecise reason,or purpose,or outer fact that determines him;it is always the atmosphere of his inner man.
To say that this atmosphere was simply asense of physical well-being,of coursing blood and aprosperous digestion,would be far too gross;for while psychic weather is all that,it is also witness to some settled disposition,some ripening inclination for this or that,deeply rooted in the soul.It gives asense of direction in life which is virtually acode of ethics,and areligion behind religion.On the other hand,to say it was the vision of any ideal or allegiance to any principle would be making it far too articulate and abstract.The inner atmosphere,when compelled to condense into words,may precipitate some curt maxim or over-simple theory as asort of war-cry;but its puerile language does it injustice,because it broods at amuch deeper level than language or even thought.It is amass of dumb instincts and allegiances,the love of acertain quality of life,to be maintained manfully.It is pregnant with many astubborn assertion and rejection.It fights under its trivial fluttering opinions like asmoking battleship under its flags and signals;you must consider,not what they are,but why they have been hoisted and will not be lowered.
Instinctively the Englishman is no missionary,no conqu-eror.He prefers the country to the town,and home to foreign parts.He is rather glad and relieved if only natives will remain natives and strangers strangers,and at acomfortable distance from himself.Yet outwardly he is most hospitable and accepts almost anybody for the time being;he travels and conquers without asettled design,because he has the instinct of exploration.His adventures are external;they change him so little that he is not afraid of them.He carries his English weather in his heart wherever he goes,and it becomes acool spot in the desert,and asteady and same oracle amongst all the deliriums of mankind.Never since the heroic days of Greece has the world had such asweet,just,boyish master.It will be ablack day for the human race when scientific blackguards,conspirators,churls,and fanatics manage to supplant him.
creed n. 信条,纲领
genuflexion n. 屈膝,跪拜
virtually adv. 几乎
condense v. 凝结,压缩
precipitate v. 凝结,下掷
curt adj. 简短的,草率的
puerile adj. 幼稚的,愚蠢的
delirium n. 谵妄,昏迷
churl n. 吝啬鬼,贱民
① While psychic weather is all that,it is also witness to some settled disposition,some ripening inclination for this or that,deeply rooted in the soul.It gives asense of direction in life which is virtually acode of ethics,and areligion behind religion.这句话表现了“灵魂气象”对于人类群体的重要性:它是一切行为准则和精神信仰的深层原因,是塑造群体身份的文化要素。
② He carries his English weather in his heart wherever he goes,and it becomes acool spot in the desert,and asteady and same oracle amongst all the deliriums of mankind.只要心存本国气象,天涯尽处亦是故乡。这个对比体现了作者作为英国人的自豪感已经到了种族偏见的程度。