Text I
1.My sturdy and ingenious father could turn his hand to almost anything and was never short of carpentry and handyman work. (Para. 2): 我父亲身体结实,心灵手巧,他那双手几乎无所不能,从不缺木匠和手工活。turn one’s hand to为固定搭配,意为“着手做某事;承担”,如:She will graduate next year and now she must turn her hand to writing the dissertation.明年她就要毕业了,所以现在必须开始着手写毕业论文了。此处引申为“擅长做某事”,如:She can turn her hand to all sorts of jobs.她能做各种工作。
2.Every day I would battle back tears as I stood in front of my peers, embarrassed and, most often, alone. (Para. 6): 我每天站在同学面前,只能强忍泪水,不仅羞愧难耐,而且常常只有我一个人挨罚。battle一般用作名词,意为“战争”,如:We must fight this battle through to victory. 我们必须把这次战斗打到最后胜利。也可用作不及物动词,意为“斗争;搏斗”,如:They battled against heavy odds. 他们以寡敌众。此处可以引申为“强忍着泪水”的意思。
3.However, in my 12-year-old mind I had no choice but to see the punishment through. (Para.7):不过,12岁的我在心里也毫无选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。see through常用的义项有:①“看破;看穿,识破”,如:I have already see through your design.我已经看穿了你的鬼把戏。②“帮助…渡过难关”,如:We’ll see you through until you finish your college education.我们会帮助你直到你大学毕业。在这句话中,see through与go through同义,意为“经历;经受”。
4.And, Heaven forbid, if she ever told my father he would have instantly been on the warpath in my defense. (Para. 7):老天!要是母亲再告诉父亲的话,他立马会大发雷霆,冲到学校来保护我。on the warpath“准备作战;正在作战;盛怒;大发雷霆”,如:The two countries are on the warpath again. 这两个国家又在准备作战了。Barry is on the warpath looking for the person who let down the tyres on his bicycle. 巴里正怒气冲冲地寻找那个把他自行车轮胎气放掉的人算帐。
5.I was beside myself with excitement. (Para. 8): 我为此兴奋不已。beside oneself意为“极度兴奋;发狂”,如:The boy is beside himself with excitement. 这个男孩有点儿兴奋过度。
6.At assembly I didn’t bother to wait for the command but trudged up to the stage of my own accord to endure the sniggers of the other girls and the beady eyes of the deputy head. (Para. 10): 集合的时候,我没等人下命令就慢步走上台去,去承受其他女生的窃笑和副校长那尖刻的眼神。of one’s own accord为固定短语,意为“自愿地,主动地”,如:The reactionaries will never, of their own accord, step down from the stage of history. 反动派决不会自行退出历史舞台。
7.Tears of frustration threatened to break free... (Para. 11): 沮丧的泪水几欲夺眶而出。break free通常意为“打破;冲破藩篱;推翻”,如:This helps you break free of familiar patterns of thought.这样可以帮助你打破惯有的思维模式。在这句话中,break free引申为“泪水夺眶而出”的意思。
8.The block of ice that was my young heart thawed instantly and my shoulders rose back to their full height. (Para. 16): 我幼小心灵中的那块坚冰瞬间消融了,我也不禁挺直了肩膀。rise to one’s full height为常用搭配,意为“挺直身子”,如:He rose to his full height.他昂然挺立。还可以有如下搭配:drew oneself up to one’s full height/ erected oneself to full height,都表示“挺直身子;昂首挺立”的意思。
Text II
1.We hold ourselves back and we push people away. (Para. 3):We refrian from expressing love first and we shy away from others. 我们克制着自己不向他人首先表达友爱,并且会回避他人的友善。hold back为固定词组,意为“隐瞒;退缩;抑制;阻止”,如:No force on earth can hold back the progress of the society. 没有任何力量能够阻止社会的进步。She kept trying to hold back her tears. 她一直在试图忍住不掉眼泪。