8 工具
四级 tool

[tu:l] n 工具
eg. You know the tool you bought is very awkward to use.
相关词 tool box工具箱;
workbag [wɜ:kˈbæɡ] n 工具包;
kit [kɪt] n 成套工具,工具箱
同义词 utensil [ju:ˈtensl] n (家庭)用具,家什
GRE pliers

[ˈplaɪəz] n 钳子,老虎钳
eg. The teacher told me to take a pair of pliers to school, but I didn't know why.
相关词 vice [vaɪs] n 老虎钳;pincer [ˈpɪnsə(r)] n 钳子;
wire-cutters [ˈwaɪəˈkʌtəz] n 钢丝钳;
tweezers [ˈtwi:zəz] n 镊子
六级 wrench

[rentʃ] n 扳手
eg. You need a wrench to tight the knob of the door.
相关词 hammer [ˈhæmə(r)] n 锤子;
implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] n 工具,器具
同义词 spanner [ˈspænə(r)] n 扳手
四级 nail

[neil] n 钉
eg. Use some nails to fasten that picture.
同义词 brad [bræd] n 平头钉;
hobnail [ˈhɒbneɪl] n 鞋钉;
thrum back平头钉;
drawing pin图钉
四级 screw

[skru:] n 螺丝
eg. The worker turned the screw to the right to tighten it.
相关词 nut [nʌt] n 螺帽;bolt [bəʊlt] n 螺栓;
screwdriver [ˈskru:draɪvə(r)] n 螺丝刀,改锥;
washer [ˈwɒʃə(r)] n 垫圈
四级 drill

[drɪl] n 电钻
eg. My dog has taken my drill to the garden.
相关词 plane [pleɪn] n 刨子;chisel [ˈtʃɪzl] n 凿子;
mallet [ˈmælɪt] n 木槌;
workbench [ˈwɜ:kˌbentʃ] n 工作台
四级 saw

[sɔ:] n 锯
eg. It's said that saws were invented by Luban.
相关词 sawdust [ˈsɔ:dʌst] n 锯末;sawmill [ˈsɔ:mɪl] n 锯木厂;
handsaw [ˈhændsɔ:] n 手锯;
chainsaw [ˈtʃeɪnsɔ:] n 链锯;
circular saw圆锯
四级 axe

[æks] n 斧子
eg. In ancient time, people used axes to cut down trees.
相关词 battleaxe [ˈbætlæks] n 战斧;ice axe冰镐;
pickaxe [ˈpɪkæks] n 镐,尖嘴镐;
hatchet [ˈhætʃɪt] n 短柄小斧;
四级 ladder

[ˈlædə(r)] n 梯子
eg. The policeman ascended the ladder and got the naughty boy down from the roof of the house.
相关词 stepladder [ˈsteplædə(r)] n 四脚梯;
scaffold [ˈskæfəʊld] n 脚手架;
scaffolding [ˈskæfəldɪŋ] n 脚手架(组)
托福 craftsman

[ˈkrɑ:ftsmən] n 工匠,手艺人
eg. Her grandfather used to be a craftsman when he was young.
相关词 craftsmanship [ˈkrɑ:ftsmənʃɪp] n 手艺,技艺;
crafts work工艺品
同义词 craft [krɑ:ft] n 手艺,工艺;
artisan [ˈɑ:tɪzən] n 工匠,手艺人
四级 carpenter

[ˈkɑ:pəntə(r)] n 木工,木匠
eg. The carpenter was asked to shave off a small amount from the bottom of the door.
相关词 joiner [ˈdʒɔɪnə(r)] n 细木工人;
joinery [ˈdʒɔɪnərɪ] n 细木工的制品;
carpentry [ˈkɑ:pəntrɪ] n 木工,木工制品;
artisan [ˈɑ:tɪzən] n 工匠,手艺人
托福 agricultural implement

[ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl][ˈɪmplɪmənt] 农具
eg. Peasants here have to go to the town to buy the agricultural implements they need.
相关词 shovel [ˈʃʌvl] n 铲,铁铲;
spade [speɪd] n 锹,铲;
rake [reɪk] n 耙子;
sickle [ˈsɪkl] n 镰刀;plough [plaʊ] n 犁
四级 needle

[ˈni:dl] n 针,缝衣针
eg. Can I borrow your needle? I need it to darn my socks.
相关词 needlework [ˈni:dlˌwɜ:k] n女红,针线活;
thimble [ˈθɪmbl] n顶针;stitch [stɪtʃ] n针脚;
embroidery [ɪmˈbrɔɪdərɪ] n刺绣,刺绣品
GRE scissors

[ˈsɪzəz] n 剪刀
eg. Don't cut the hard things, or you'll blunt the scissors.
相关词 nail clippers指甲刀;nail scissors指甲刀;
shears [ʃɪəz] n 大剪刀;shear [ʃɪə(r)] v 切断,剪断
四级 clipper

[ˈklɪpə(r)] n 剪具
eg. The girl cut off the thread of her boyfriend's shirt with a fingertail clipper.
相关词 clipping [ˈklɪpɪŋ] n 剪下物;
secateurs [ˌsekəˈtɜ:z] n 修枝剪;
clip [klɪp] v 剪掉,修剪
四级 sew

[səʊ] v 缝,做针线活
eg. Every time my grandpa takes a train, he sews the money into his belt beforehand.
相关词 sewing [ˈsəʊɪŋ] n 缝纫;
sewing machine缝纫机;
seam [si:m] n 接缝
四级 thread

[θred] n 线,棉线,丝线
eg. My grandma asks me to pass the thred throught the eye of the needle for her.
相关词 spool of thread线卷;
bobbin [ˈbɒbɪn] n 线轴,绕线筒;reel [ri:l] n 卷轴,卷筒
同义词 yarn [jɑ:n] n 纱线
四级 pin

[pɪn] n 大头针
eg. Our manager has just bought a box of pins for the company.
相关词 pinhead [ˈpɪnhed] n 大头针的平头;
pinhole [ˈpɪnhəʊl] n 针刺的孔;
safety pin安全别针;
clip [klɪp] n 夹子,回形针
GRE sharpener

[ˈʃɑ:pnə(r)] n 磨具,削具
eg. Don't play with the sharpener, it's dangerous.
相关词 grinder [ˈɡraɪndə(r)] n 磨刀匠;
grindstone [ˈgraɪndstəʊn] n 磨石;
sandpaper [ˈsændpeɪpə(r)] n 砂纸;
hone [həʊn] n 细磨刀石;v 磨刀
四级 ruler

[ˈru:lə(r)] n 尺
eg. Rulers can be used to draw straight lines.
相关词 measure [ˈmeʒə(r)] v 测量;n 尺度,尺子;
measurable [ˈmeʒərəbl] adj 可测量的;
measurement [ˈmeʒəmənt] n 衡量,测量;(pl)尺寸,大小;
tape measure卷尺,皮尺
GRE weigh machine

[weɪ][məˈʃi:n] 称量机,衡器
eg. The weigh machine broke as soon as the fat woman stood on it.
相关词 weigh [weɪ] v 称重,权衡;
weight [weɪt] n 重量,砝码;v 加重量;
steelyard [sˈti:ljɑ:d] n 称;
balance [ˈbæləns] n 天平,平衡;v 使平衡