5 生活用品
四级 necessities

[nɪˈsesɪtɪz] n (pl.) 生活必需品
eg. Numerous necessities were sent to Wenchuan after the earthquake.
相关词 necessity [nəˈsesətɪ] n 必需品;
necessary [ˈnesəsərɪ] adj 必需的,必要的;
necessarily [ˌnesəˈserəlɪ] adv 必然地,不可避免地;
necessitate [nəˈsesɪteɪt] v 使成为必要
四级 sleep

[sli:p] v (slept [slept] , slept [slept]) 睡觉,入睡;n 睡觉,睡眠
eg. My grandmother patted me to sleep.
相关词 sleeper [ˈsli:pə(r)] n 睡觉者;
sleepless [ˈsli:pləs] adj 没有睡觉的,失眠的;
sleepwalk [ˈsli:pwɔ:k] n 梦游;
sleepy [ˈsli:pɪ] adj 困倦的,瞌睡的;
asleep [əˈsli:p] adj 睡着的
四级 nap

[næp] v 打盹
eg. I am accustomed to napping after lunch.
相关词 daydream [ˈdeɪdri:m] n 白日梦;v 做白日梦
同义词 doze [dəʊz] v 打盹睡;
catnap [ˈkætnæp] v 打瞌睡,假寐;
siesta [sɪˈestə] n 午睡,午休
四级 dream

[dri:m] v 做梦;n 梦
eg. He had a sweet dream last night.
相关词 dreamer [ˈdri:mə(r)] n 空想家,不切实际的人;
fantast [ˈfæntæst] n 幻想家,梦想家;
dreamland [ˈdri:mlænd] n 梦境,理想世界;
daydream [ˈdeɪdri:m] n 白日梦
四级 wake

[weɪk] v (woke [wəʊk], woken [ˈwəʊkən]) 醒,唤醒
eg. Woken up by a slight noise, he was unable to fall asleep again.
相关词 wakeful [ˈweɪkfl] adj 失眠的,不能入睡的;
waken [ˈweɪkən] v 睡醒,唤醒;
waking [ˈweɪkɪŋ] adj 醒着的,不眠的;
alarm clock闹钟
托福 bedclothes

[ˈbedkləʊðz] n 床上用品
eg. She crept into the room and pulled the bedclothes over her son.
相关词 sheet [ʃi:t] n 床单;duvet [ˈdu:veɪ] n 羽绒被;
eiderdown [ˈaɪdədaʊn] n 羽绒被;quilt [kwɪlt] n 被子
GRE mattress

[ˈmætrəs] n 床垫
eg. All of his money was kept under his mattress, not in the bank.
相关词 futon [ˈfu:tɒn] n 日本床垫;blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] n 毯子;
electric blanket电热毯;
rug [rʌg] n 小地毯,毯子
四级 cushion

[ˈkʊʃn] n 垫子,坐垫,靠垫
eg. When I entered, I saw the old man kneeling on cushion to pray.
相关词 mat [mæt] n 小地毯,垫子;carpet [ˈkɑ:pɪt] n 地毯;
carpeting [ˈkɑ:pɪtɪŋ] n (统称)地毯,地毯织料;
curtain [ˈkɜ:tn] n 窗帘;
curtain hook窗帘钩
托福 toiletries

[ˈtɔɪlətriːz] n 洗漱用品
eg. A five-star hotel has ordered hundreds of toiletries from this factory.
相关词 toilet water花露水;
towel rail毛巾架;
rinse [rɪns] v (用清水)冲洗,洗刷
六级 toothbrush

[ˈtu:θbrʌʃ] n 牙刷
eg. Father bought an electric toothbrush for him.
相关词 toothpick [ˈtu:θpɪk] n 牙签;
toothpaste [ˈtu:θpeɪst] n 牙膏;
dental floss洁牙线;
dentifrice [ˈdentɪfrɪs] n 牙粉,牙膏
四级 towel

[ˈtaʊəl] n 毛巾
eg. She went on weeping, occasionally wiping at her face with a towel.
相关词 towelling [ˈtaʊəlɪŋ] n 毛巾布
同义词 washcloth [ˈwɒʃˌklɔ:θ] n 毛巾;
facecloth [ˈfeɪsklɒθ] n 洗脸毛巾;
towelette [ˌtaʊəˈlet] n 小毛巾
四级 soap

[səʊp] n 肥皂
eg. What brand of soap do you like?
相关词 soap powder肥皂粉;
soapsuds [ˈsəʊpsʌdz] n 肥皂泡沫;
soapy [ˈsəʊpɪ] adj 满是肥皂的;
lather [ˈlɑ:ðə(r)] n (皂液的)泡沫;
GRE detergent

[dɪˈtɜ:dʒənt] n 洗涤剂,去垢剂
eg. Mother told me not to put too much detergent in the basin.
相关词 washing-up liquid(刷洗餐具的)洗涤液
四级 shower

[ˈʃaʊə(r)] v (洗)淋浴
eg. In order to watch the football game on time, he showered in haste.
相关词 sauna [ˈsɔ:nə] n 桑拿浴,蒸汽浴;
bathrobe [ˈbæθˌrəʊb] n 浴衣,浴袍;
shampoo [ʃæmˈpu:] n 洗发剂
同义词 bath [bɑ:θ] v 用水清洗
六级 napkin

[ˈnæpkɪn] n 餐巾,餐巾纸
eg. The waitress handed each one a napkin.
相关词 toilet paper卫生纸,手纸;
toilet roll卫生纸卷;
paper towel厚纸巾;
serviette [ˌsɜ:vi:ˈet] n 餐巾,餐巾纸
GRE menstruate

[ˈmenstrʊeɪt] v 行经,来月经
eg. She always menstruates at the beginning of every month.
相关词 menstrual [ˈmenstrʊəl] adj 来月经的;
menses [ˈmensi:z] n 月经,行经;
menstruation [ˌmenstrʊˈeɪʃn] n 行经;
premenstrual [ˌpri:ˈmenstrʊəl] adj 月经前的
四级 sanitary towel

[ˈsænətrɪ][ˈtaʊəl] 卫生巾
eg. My sanitary towel has been used up. Can you lend me one?
相关词 tampon [ˈtæmpɒn] n (妇女用的)卫生棉条;
sanitary napkin卫生巾
GRE torch

[tɔ:tʃ] n 手电筒,火炬
eg. Bring a torch is necessary when you go on an expedition.
相关词 battery [ˈbætrɪ] n 电池;
dry cell干电池;
charger [ˈtʃɑ:dʒə(r)] n 充电器
同义词 flashlight [ˈflæʃlaɪt] n 手电筒
四级 candle

[ˈkændl] n 蜡烛
eg. The candle blew out when I opened the window.
相关词 candlelight [ˈkændllaɪt] n 烛光;
candlelit [ˈkændllɪt] adj 烛光的;
candlestick [ˈkændlstɪk] n 烛台;
wick [wɪk] n 烛心,灯心;
match [mætʃ] n 火柴
托福 sanitary

[ˈsænətrɪ] adj 卫生的,清洁的
eg. He worked hard to improve the sanitary conditions of the slums.
相关词 sanitize [ˈsænɪtaɪz] v 消毒,使清洁;
sanitation [ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn] n 卫生设备;
hygiene [ˈhaɪdʒi:n] n 卫生
同义词 hygienic [haɪˈdʒiːnɪk] adj 卫生的
四级 umbrella

[ʌmˈbrelə] n 雨伞
eg. It's raining outside, but I didn't take an umbrella.
相关词 galoshes [gəˈlɒʃɪz] n 橡胶套鞋;
raincoat [ˈreɪnkəʊt] n 雨衣;
mackintosh [ˈmækɪntɒʃ] n 雨衣,雨披;
rainproof [ˈreɪnpru:f] adj 防水的
四级 comb

[kəʊm] n 梳子
eg. The expensive comb bought abroad was broken, which made the girl unhappy.
相关词 brush [brʌʃ] n 刷子;
hairbrush [ˈheəbrʌʃ] n 毛梳,毛刷;
rubber band橡皮筋;
hairdryer [ˈheədraɪə(r)] n 吹风机
托福 hairpin

[ˈheəˌpɪn] n 发夹
eg. The princess wears several silver hairpins today.
相关词 hairnet [ˈheəˌnet] n 发网;
hairband [ˈheəˌbænd] n 束发带,发箍
同义词 hairgrip [ˈheəgrɪp] n 发夹;
hairslide [ˈheəslaɪd] n 小发夹
四级 shaver

[ˈʃeɪvə(r)] n 电动剃须刀
eg. Finally, he found his shaver under the bed.
相关词 shave [ʃeɪv] v 剃(须发);
shaven [ˈʃeɪvn] adj 剃光的,刮干净的;
razor blade剃须刀刀片;
shaving cream剃须膏
同义词 razor [ˈreɪzə(r)] n 剃须刀,刮脸刀
托福 duster

[ˈdʌstə(r)] n 抹布,擦桌布
eg. After washing the dishes, the woman dried them with a clean duster.
相关词 dust [dʌst] n 尘土,尘埃;v 除去……的灰尘;
dusty [ˈdʌstɪ] adj 布满灰尘的;
dust cover防尘罩;
dust sheet防尘罩
四级 clean

[kli:n] v 打扫;adj 干净的
eg. Dust soon accumulates if you don't clean the room regularly.
相关词 cleaning [ˈkli:nɪŋ] n 打扫,扫除;
cleanly [ˈklenli:] adv 清洁地,干净地;
clean-up [ˈkli:nˈʌp] n 清扫,清理;
vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器
四级 dustbin

[ˈdʌstbɪn] n 垃圾桶,垃圾箱
eg. In the kindergarten, children are taught to put waste into dustbins by their teachers.
相关词 dustcart [ˈdʌstkɑ:t] n 垃圾车;
dustman [ˈdʌstmən] n 垃圾工;
dump [dʌmp] n 垃圾场,废物堆;
同义词 trash can垃圾桶
四级 garbage

[ˈgɑ:bɪdʒ] n (生活)垃圾
eg. Carl took out the garbage when he went out for a walk.
相关词 garbage can垃圾桶;
garbage truck垃圾车;
rubbish bin垃圾桶
同义词 rubbish [ˈrʌbɪʃ] n 垃圾,废弃物;
trash [træʃ] n 废物,垃圾
四级 broom

[bru:m] n 扫把,扫帚
eg. In the fairy stories, the witch always flies about on a broom.
相关词 broom cupboard清洁用具壁橱;
mop [mɒp] n 拖把
同义词 broomstick [ˈbru:mstɪk] n 长柄扫帚;
besom [ˈbi:zəm] n 长扫帚
四级 wash

[wɒʃ] v 洗,洗涤;n 清洗,洗刷
eg. The little girl is learning how to wash her face and hands.
相关词 washable [ˈwɒʃəbl] adj 可洗的,耐洗的;
washboard [ˈwɒʃbɔ:d] n (洗衣用)搓板;
washing [ˈwɒʃɪŋ] n 洗涤,洗刷;
washing powder洗衣粉
六级 bedding

[ˈbedɪŋ] n 床上用品,铺盖
eg. The poor beggar died and his only property was the decrepit bedding.
相关词 mosquito net蚊帐;
valance [ˈvæləns] n 帷幔;pillow [ˈpɪləʊ] n 枕头;
bolster [ˈbəʊlstə(r)] n (长而厚的)垫枕
四级 sweep

[ˈswi:pə(r)] v 打扫,清扫
eg. The boy was asked to sweep his room every day by his mother.
相关词 sweeper [ˈswi:pə] n 打扫者,清洁工;
cleaner [ˈkli:nə] n 清洁工;
dustpan [ˈdʌstpæn] n 簸箕
四级 neat

[ni:t] adj 整洁的,整齐的
eg. Staying in the neat room, he felt relaxed and comfortable.
相关词 neatly [ni:tlɪ] adv 整洁地,整齐地;
neatness [ni:tnəs] n 整洁,干净;
tidy [ˈtaɪdɪ] adj 整洁的;v 收拾,整理;
shipshape [ˈʃɪpʃeɪp] adj 整洁,井井有条
GRE adhesive

[ədˈhi:sɪv] n 黏合剂
eg. I need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal.
相关词 self-adhesive [ˌselfədˈhi:sɪv] adj 自黏的;
adhere [ədˈhɪə(r)] v 粘附,附着;
adhesion [ədˈhi:ʒn] n 粘连,粘着;
mucilage [ˈmju:sɪlɪdʒ] n 胶水,黏液;
glue [glu:] n 胶水
GRE additive

[ˈædətɪv] n 添加剂
eg. The factory produced plenty of food additive which were harmful to customers.
相关词 doping agent掺杂剂;
addition agent添加剂;
annexing agent添加剂
托福 bleach

[bli:tʃ] n 漂白剂
eg. The steamed buns that you bought seem to be added much bleach.
相关词 bleaching agent漂白剂;
whitener [ˈwaɪtnə] n 增白剂;
decolorant [di:ˈkʌlərənt] n 漂白剂
GRE antiseptic

[ˌæntɪˈseptɪk] n 防腐剂
eg. The powder in the white bag might be antiseptic.
相关词 rotten [ˈrɒtn] adj 腐烂的,腐朽的
同义词 corrosion remover防腐剂;
preservative [prɪˈzɜ:vətɪv] n 防腐剂
GRE disinfectant

[ˌdɪsɪnˈfektənt] n 消毒剂
eg. Can you smell the odor of the disinfectant in the office?
相关词 antidote [ˈæntɪdəʊt] n 解药;
virus [ˈvaɪrəs] n 病毒;
germ [dʒɜ:m] n 细菌;
sterilize [ˈsterəlaɪz] vt 消毒,杀菌
GRE freshener

[ˈfreʃnə(r)] n 清凉剂
eg. Don't forget to take the air freshener with you when you travel in summer.
相关词 cooling oil清凉油;
essential oil精油;
essential balm风油精
四级 spray

[spreɪ] n 喷雾器
eg. I know that your have a sore throat, so I bought you a throat spray.
相关词 muzzle [ˈmʌzl] n 喷枪;
nozzle [ˈnɒzəl] n 喷嘴;
spray head喷头
托福 watering pot

[ˈwɔ:tərɪŋ][pɒt] 洒水壶
eg. Did you see where I put the watering pot?
相关词 watering can洒水壶;
sprinkler [ˈsprɪŋklə(r)] n 洒水器