
请求和批准 Requests and Approvals
向员工征求意见 Request for Employee Suggestions
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.I need your input in the form of suggestions.我想要你在这个意见表中填写一些意见。
2.Your suggestions will be appreciated.(我们)将非常感谢您提出的意见。
3.Any suggestions you make will be carefully considered.我们会认真考虑您所提出的任何意见。
4.Our employees are our greatest asset and we need your help in making lifeand business here better for everyone.我们的员工是我们的宝贵财富,因此,我们需要你们的帮助,以使大家在这里更好地工作与生活。
5.We need your suggestions!我们需要你们的意见!
6.Your suggestions can make a difference.你们的意见非常重要。
7.If you have any suggestions at all, whether large or small, please emailme at this address.如果你们有什么意见,无论事关巨细,敬请给我发邮件到这个地址。
8.As soon as you give us your suggestions we will take the time to carefullyconsider them.一旦你们提出意见,我们就会花时间认真考虑。
9.A suggestion made could be a suggestion used.每一个意见都有可能被采纳。
10.Have you ever thought of a way of improving our business?If so, whynot write it down and put it in our suggestion box.你是否考虑过改善我们的经营方式?如果是这样,请写下你的具体意见,然后投到我们的意见箱里。
经典范文 Model
Dear Colleagues,
We have decided to implement an employee suggestion email box. We know how valuable you are to us and therefore, we value any suggestions you make that will make life easier for each of us and make our business more economical, efficient and productive.In order to encourage employees to take part, we will introduce a system of financial rewards in keeping with any costs saved or profits increased.
If you have any suggestions at all, whether large or small, please email me at this address.
Good luck!
Ken Shi
申请授信审批(企业对企业) Request for Credit Approval(Business to Business)
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.We want to establish a line of credit with your company.我们希望在你们公司设立信贷额度。
2.We have been purchasing supplies from Shanghai Corporation for the lastnine months on a cash basis and wish to open a charge account for future transactions with your company.九个月以来,我们一直用现金支付的方式在上海公司购货,但是,关于以后的交易,我们希望能够在贵公司开设一个赊购账户。
3.We would like to open a charge account with Shanghai Corporation.我们想在上海公司开一个信用账户,以方便日后的交易。
4.If you have any concerns about my company's credit worthiness, pleasefeel free to contact the following companies we have dealt with over the last few years.如果您对我们公司的信用有任何的疑虑,请随时与下列公司联系,他们与我们公司在过去的几年中打过交道。
5.If you would like to consult other companies with whom we have donebusiness, please contact the attached credit references.如果您想咨询一下与我们公司有过生意往来的其他公司的话,请联系后附的信用证明材料中列出的公司。
6.A quick credit check will reveal that our company's credit is spotless.一个快捷的信用调查就可以显示我们公司的信用记录是良好的。
7.We would be happy to provide you with bank references.我们很愿意为您提供银行征信信函。
8.Any of the local suppliers will gladly vouch for our good credit.任何一家本地的供应商都很乐意为我们的良好信用做证。
9.We will be happy to complete an application to expedite the process.我们很愿意办理一个申请手续,以加快审批的进程。
10.We look forward to a long and happy cooperation with you.我们盼望与贵公司进行长期友好的合作。
经典范文 Model
Dear Sir,
We have been very pleased with the quality of your machine and fabrication work on the few custom orders we have made with you. We would be happy if we could open a credit account with you and have you perform all of our automotive machine shop services.We plan to increase our orders substantially with you in the future as our customer base is rapidly increasing.Any of the local automotive suppliers will gladly vouch for our good credit, and we will be happy to complete an application to expedite the process.Please respond as quickly as possible, so that we may begin taking in machine work again soon.
Yours faithfully,
Eric Man
Shanghai Automotive Machinery
申请授信审批(消费者对企业) Request for Credit Approval(Consumer to Business)
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.I have been a loyal customer of yours for quite some time and finding thatmy purchases have increased rapidly over the past few months……我很久以前就已经是你们的忠实客户了,最近几个月来,我发现我们采购货物的次数增加了很多……
2.As a regular cash-paying customer of yours I wonder if I could switch to acredit account.我一直是你们的现金付款客户,我想知道我是否可以转成授信客户。
3.Being new to this area and your company I wonder if I could open anaccount with you.作为这个行业的新手和你们的新客户,我想知道我是否可以在你们公司建立授信账户。
4.I find that I am becoming increasingly reliant upon your company as a mainsupplier and so I think that it is time to move from a cash basis to a credit one.我注意到我越来越多地把贵公司作为主供货商,因此我想,现在应该把我从你们的现金客户转变成授信客户了。
5.I normally pay COD for items purchased from you but as I find mytransactions increasing, is it possible to open a credit account with you?我通常按货到付款的方式从贵公司采购货物,但是我注意到我的业务量一直在增长,我是否可以在贵公司建立授信账户?
6.I can supply bank references for the last 5 years.我能够给你提供我过去5年的银行征信参考。
7.The following companies will happily provide credit references for me.下列公司将会乐意为您提供关于我的信用证明。
8.Please contact me if you need any information to expedite this process.如果你需要哪些信息以加快这一进度,请与我联系。
9.Thank you for considering and replying to my request.谢谢您考虑并答复我的申请。
10.I look forward to an early and favourable reply.期盼尽早收到佳音。
经典范文 Model
Dear Sir,
I have been a loyal cash on delivery customer of yours for quite some time and finding that my purchases have increased rapidly over the past few months I would like to open a credit account with you. It would certainly make life much easier for me.I estimate that my purchases are roughly about 700 yuan a month so a credit limit of between 2 to 5 thousand would be ideal.
If you have any concerns about my credit worthiness, please feel free to contact the following companies I have dealt with over the last few years:ABC Co. DEF Co.GHI Co.
Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,
Mary Xin
征求计划书 Request for Proposal(RFP)
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.How would you like to cut your printing costs by more than 40 percenteach month?您希望每个月的印刷成本至少减少40%吗?
2.Give us a few minutes of your time and we'll show you how.请允许我们占用您几分钟的时间,我们会给您展示如何实施。
3.The keys to success in our business are……我们的业务取得成功的关键在于……
4.Our marketing strategy is a simple one:satisfied clients are our best tool.
5.Excellence in fulfilling the promise—completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy expertise and information.卓越地履行承诺——完全保密、可靠、值得信赖的专业知识和信息。
6.The attached proposal outlines the details of what we'll do and howsuccessful we've been at doing this for other businesses.附上的计划书列出了我们要做到的所有事项,以及以前我们为其他公司做这项工作时取得的成绩。
7.In fact, we guarantee you'll save no less than 10 percent per year as aresult of our efforts.事实上,我们保证我们的努力能每年为您节省10%以上的费用。
8.Please review the list of companies that use our service.请您查阅这份公司名单,他们都在使用我们公司的服务。
9.During our 20 years in the collection business, we have refined asuccessful system that produces exceptional results.从事代收业务20年间,我们总结出了一套很成功的体系,该体系在实际运用中卓有成效。
10.I'll call after you've had a chance to review our proposal.在您抽空审阅了我们的计划书之后,我会给您打电话。
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr. Song,
How would you like to cut your printing costs by more than 40 percent each month?Give us a few minutes of your time and we'll show you how.
We'll review every facet of your current system and analyse its strengths and weaknesses. We'll look at a comparison of costs for other businesses of your size and provide a comprehensive report of short and long-term actions that will generate substantial savings for your company.
The attached proposal outlines the details of what we'll do and how successful we've been at doing this for other businesses. In fact, we guarantee you'll save no less than 10 percent per year as a result of our efforts.
I'll call after you've had a chance to review our proposal.
Yours sincerely,
David Wu
申请购买办公设施 Request for Buying Office Facilities
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.I would like to request the purchase of a new photocopier for ourdepartment.我想申请为我们部门购买一台新复印机。
2.I would like to suggest the purchase of a new laser printer for theaccounting department.我想提议为财务部购买一台新激光打印机。
3.In order to improve the photocopying efficiency of our department can Irecommend that we upgrade the present copier?为了提高我们部门的复印效率,我能否提议更换我们现有的那台复印机?
4.The current photocopier has already broken down three times this month.
5.The present copier is no longer under warranty and consequently suffersfrom high repair bills.现有的那台复印机过了保修期,因此我们得不断地支付高额维修费。
6.A new photocopier would be faster and more economical in the long run.
7.In order to facilitate our sales team in delivering presentations to currentand prospective clients, I would like to apply for the purchase of a digital projector.为了帮助我们的销售团队更好地给既有和潜在的客户做演示,我想申请购买一部数字投影仪。
8.The attached document gives in greater detail suggested new models, prices, estimated savings and technical specifications.随附文件详细列出了建议采购的机器的型号、价格、预计节约的费用以及技术规格。
9.I hope you will give serious consideration to this request.我希望您会认真考虑这一请求。
10.Thank you for taking the time to consider this request.谢谢您花时间来考虑这个请求。
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr. Wu,
I would like to request the purchase of a new photocopier for our department. The reason is that the present copier is no longer under warranty and consequently suffers from high repair bills.It has already broken down three times this month.
The attached document gives in greater detail suggested new models, prices, estimated savings and technical specifications. If you would like to visit our department I would be happy to show you the copier and answer any questions you might have.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this request.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Tsang
请求延长截止日期 Request for Deadline Extension
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.We wish to request a fourteen-day extension of your XTC123 deliverydeadline.就您订单号为XTC123的货物的送货时间问题,我们想向您请求延后14天。
2.Unfortunately, one of our key suppliers has failed to deliver on time whichconsequently has had a domino effect of delaying delivery of your order.遗憾的是,我们的一家主要供应商没能按时供货,由此间接地导致了给您送货的延误。
3.We are experiencing some technical difficulties in fulfilling your order sothere will be a one week delay in delivery.我们目前遇到了一些技术问题,不能完全满足您的订货,因此,送货时间将要延长一周。
4.Because of a parts shortage we would like to ask you whether we candelay shipment for one week or whether you would like to cancel the order.由于一些零部件的短缺,我们想询问一下,我们是否可以延期一周发货?或者,您是否愿意取消订单?
5.We have received such an overwhelming response to our offer that we areunable to process all the orders by our original deadline of August 31.我们产品的订单已经多得超出了我们的预计,以至于我们不能在截止日期即8月31日之前履行所有的订单。
6.We have hired extra help and are working as quickly as we can, but inspite of this, your order will not be mailed until October 1.我们已经增派了人手,并且尽可能快地赶工,但是,尽管如此,您的订货也只能在10月1日之后寄出。
7.I realize that such changes are never convenient, but trust that the extratime will, in the long run, benefit us all.我知道这样的改变会带来诸多不便,但请相信,从长远考虑,多花一些时间将对我们双方都有利。
8.Please let me know if there is any problem with this change;otherwise Iwill assume that this is acceptable to you.如果您对这些变更有什么异议,请通知我;否则,我将认定您已经同意。
9.I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.由此给您带来的一切不便,我深表歉意。
10.Thank you for your understanding.谢谢您的理解。
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr. Zhu,
We agreed that I should come to your company to replace your air-conditioning system on October 4. However, the specific air conditioner mentioned in our contract, the Xinyang Standard, is not available.The next shipment is expected the second week of October.We could delay the installation or, if you prefer, use an XYZ air conditioner, which is also an excellent brand and very similar to the Xinyang.The cost would be the same.
I recommend that we go ahead with the XYZ, but will wait for your instructions. Please call me at 1111111 to let me know what you would like me to do.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Chang
招标 Request for Bids
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.On behalf of the Shanghai Corporation, I invite you to submit an estimatefor an alarm system for our new headquarters which will be located in the Pudong district.我代表上海公司,请您就我们浦东新公司总部的报警系统项目提出一份概算。
2.We are currently accepting bids for replacing the heating system at ourShanghai headquarters.我们上海总部供热系统更换项目正在招标。
3.We want a complete estimate for your deluxe security system by December 1,along with a guarantee that you can finish the system within two weeks of signing the contract. 12月1日之前,我们需要一个关于你们加强版安全系统的全面概算,同时还需要你们保证在合同签署后的两周内安装完毕。
4.Please see the attached specifications for further details about ourrequirements.关于我们要求的进一步细节,请参阅随附的详细说明。
5.Could you let us know what your lowest bid would be?请告知我们您的最低报价,好吗?
6.Bids must be made using the attached form.必需使用后附的表格进行投标。
7.We will be accepting bids until January 4,2010 at our offices on ourstandard contractor's forms.在2010年1月4日之前,我们会一直在办公室接收投标,请用我们的标准格式的承包商表格投标。
8.Your signed and sealed bid must be returned to my office by 5:00 p.m.onOctober 1.您签字并盖章的标书必需于10月1日下午5点之前送回我的办公室。
9.If you are interested in bidding, we would appreciate your quotation on orbefore 3:00 p. m.Friday, March 15.如果您有兴趣投标的话,请您于3月15日下午3点或之前提出您的报价,我们将不胜感激。
10.We look forward to your response.我们期待着您的回复。
经典范文 Model
Shanghai Corporation is currently seeking bids on setting up and maintaining a web page that will showcase our new software products.
Bids must include a sample page that incorporates the company logo, descriptions of the four sample products described on the attached pages, proposed icons for each product, and sample“hot buttons”for further information, downloading software samples, and ordering each product.
Please see the attached specifications for further details about our requirements.
Shanghai Corporation looks forward to receiving your bid by Friday, December 30. The web site must be ready for testing by January 31 and fully operational by February 27.We look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
William Du
Shanghai Corporation
要求提交预算 Request for Budgets
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.In preparation for the next fiscal year I would like to remind departmentalheads that budgets should be submitted no later than the end of September.值此为下一财政年度做准备之际,我想提醒各部门的领导,预算应该在9月底之前提交。
2.This is a reminder that next year's preliminary budgets for all departmentsare due at the end of October.在此提醒一下,所以部门的初步预算要在10月底以前完成。
3.Please prepare a preliminary budget for the next fiscal year.请为下一个财政年度做初步预算。
4.As the year-end is approaching, we would like to remind each storemanager to prepare budgets for the up-coming new fiscal year.岁末将至,我们要提醒各位店长为即将到来的新财政年度做预算。
5.This is a reminder that first quarter budgets should be submitted bytomorrow.在此提醒一下,第一季度的预算要在明天之前提交。
6.The budget should be submitted as an attachment on or before September 15.预算报告应以附件的形式于9月15日或之前提交。
7.Please make sure that you follow the attached budget format.请确保按后附的预算报告格式做预算。
8.Please refer to the attached budget template and guidelines.请参考附上的预算模式和原则做预算。
9.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.如果有任何问题,请随时与我联系。
10.If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contactme.如果有任何问题或疑问,请即刻与我联系。
经典范文 Model
Dear Department Heads,
This is a reminder that next year's preliminary budgets for all departments are due at the end of October. Please make sure that you follow the attached example.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Li Meihua
批准员工的意见 Approval for Employee Suggestions
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for coming up with your recent suggestion to……谢谢你最近就……
2.I really appreciate your suggestion to……我非常感谢你所提出的关于……的意见。
3.Thank you for contacting me following my request for an employeesuggestion email box.谢谢你响应我关于建立员工意见箱的建议而与我联系。
4.Thank you for your prompt response to my call for suggestions.谢谢你对我征求意见的迅速回应。
5.I have carefully considered your suggestion to……我非常认真地考虑了你关于……的意见。
6.I am glad to tell you that we think that your suggestion is a really good one.
7.We will implement your suggestion asap.我们会尽快地实施你的建议。
8.From the first of next month your suggestion will be implemented throughoutthe company.从下月1日起,你的建议将会在全公司范围内实行。
9.As a result of your suggestion we would like to offer you a bonus of……由于你提出了(好的)建议,我们决定给你一笔……的奖金。
10.If you have any further suggestions to make please do not hesitate tocontact me.如果你还有哪些进一步的意见,请即刻与我联系。
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr. Yung,
Thank you for contacting me following my request for an employee suggestion email box.
I have carefully considered your suggestion to introduce flexi-time for all full-time office staff in order to avoid rush hour traffic and help staff to avoid lengthy commuting time.
I am glad to tell you that we think that your suggestion is a really good one and that from the first of next month your suggestion will be implemented throughout the company.
As a result we would like to offer you a bonus of 500 yuan.
If you have any further suggestions to make please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Ken Shi
批准授信(企业对企业) Approval for Credit Application(Business to Business)
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for your recent credit application.谢谢您最近的授信申请。
2.We have carefully considered your credit application and are pleased toannounce a¥5,000 monthly limit.我们非常认真地考虑了您的授信申请,并且很高兴地通知您,您每月的信用额度为5000元。
3.We are happy to announce that we agree to your request.我们非常高兴地通知您,我们同意了您的申请。
4.After 6 months we will review your credit limit.6个月之后,我们会审核您的信用额度。
5.Please read the attached payment guidelines.请您阅读附上的付款细则。
6.Attached please find our terms of credit business.随函附上我们的商业授信条款。
7.Your new credit limit will apply from the first of next month.从下月1日起,您就可以使用新的信用额度了。
8.From the 1st of next month all your purchases will be on a credit basis.从下月1日起,您所有的采购都将以授信交易。
9.Please ensure that all monthly accounts are paid promptly and in full.请确保所有的月度账户都及时并全额支付。
10.Please note that all payments should be paid promptly.请注意,所有的应付款都要及时付清。
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr. Man,
Thank you for your recent email regarding a credit account. We have carefully considered your credit application and are pleased to announce a¥5,000 monthly limit.
Attached please find our terms of credit business. Your new credit limit will apply from the first of next month.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Alice Qian
批准授信(企业对消费者) Approval for Credit Application(Business to Customer)
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for requesting a credit account at Xinning Toys.谢谢您申请在新宁玩具公司开设授信账户。
2.We have received your request for a credit account with Xinning Toys.我们已经收到了您要在新宁玩具公司开设授信账户的申请。
3.We have approved your request for a credit account with us in the amountof¥10,000.我们已经批准您在我们公司开设授信账户,您的信用额度为1万元。
4.Your application went through our Credit Control Department successfully, and we will extend to you the¥888 sales credit immediately.您的申请成功地通过了我们的信贷管理部的审查,我们将立即为您提供888元的销售信贷。
5.I have attached a document describing our credit policies and procedures inmore detail.我已经附上了一份文件,其中详细介绍了我们的授信政策和程序。
6.On receipt of this email you may start making credit purchases with us.收到此邮件后,您就可以在我们公司进行赊购了。
7.Your credit account is operative with immediate effect.您的授信账户立即生效。
8.If you wish to increase your credit limit you may apply for a review after 6months.如果您希望增加您的信用额度,您可以在6个月之后申请审核。
9.We look forward to filling your orders and meeting your requirements.我们期待着为您供货,并愿意满足您的一切要求。
10.Please call me(010-5665-3321)if you have any questions.如果您有任何问题,请给我打电话(010-5665-3321)。
经典范文 Model
Dear Miss Fang,
Thank you for requesting a credit account at Xinning Toys. We are pleased to grant you an initial credit line of 5,000 yuan.I have attached a document describing our credit policies and procedures in more detail.
Here are some details concerning your account:
1.You will be billed the first day of the month.
2.The balance is due within 30 days, interest free.
3.Any balance owed beyond 30 days will be subject to a 15 percent annual finance charge.
We look forward to filling your orders and meeting all your requirements. Please call me(010-5665-3321)if you have any questions.
Kindest regards,
Emily Fu
批准计划书 Approval for Proposal
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.I have carefully reviewed your proposal for new……我已经仔细审查了你关于新……的计划。
2.I concur with your recommendations.我完全同意你的建议。
3.I have forwarded your proposal with my endorsement to the Head ofMarketing.我已经将你们的计划以及我的背书一起转交给市场营销部经理了。
4.I enjoyed your presentation on the proposed change in our staff canteen.
5.I will tell the board that I can think of no reason for not adopting itimmediately.我会告诉董事会我的意见,即我们应该马上采用这一计划。
6.As you requested, I have reviewed the proposal for an upgrade incomputers and I am in total agreement with its recommendation that the company purchase the latest models.正如你所要求的那样,我已经审阅了关于电脑升级的计划书,我完全赞成该计划书的提议,公司应该购买最新型号的电脑。
7.I have read and analyzed your proposal to provide……to employees ofShanghai Corporation.我已经阅读并分析了你关于向上海公司员工提供……的计划。
8.I was impressed by your statistics on the higher retention rates for femaleexecutives in companies with such facilities.你的统计数据显示,在具有此种设施的公司中,女性高管有较高的留任率。这些数据给我留下了深刻印象。
9.I have recommended to the Board of Directors that they approve yourproposal.你的计划须经董事会批准,我已经向他们推荐过了。
10.Wonderful news!Your proposal has been accepted.好消息!你的建议已经通过了。
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr. Wu,
The board of directors has approved your advertising proposal. They are enthusiastic about the youthful slant your advertising assumes and feel it will boost sales of our new vitamin range.Of course, we need to discuss the details of the project further.My secretary, Amy, will call to schedule a time when we can meet.
Once again, thank you very much and I look forward to meeting you.
Best regards,
Ken Ham
批准购买办公设施 Approval for Buying Office Facilities
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for your request for a new……谢谢你提出更换一台新……的请求。
2.We have approved your request for a replacement……我们已经批准了你要更换……的申请。
3.We have agreed to your request for a new……我们已经同意了你提出的更换一台新……的请求。
4.We have examined your request for a new……我们已经审核了你关于新……
5.I have looked into this matter and agree with you that our present one is nolonger economical.我已经研究过这个问题了,我同意你的意见,我们现在的这个……成本太高了。
6.Therefore, I have ordered the Canon ZX123 which was one of the modelsyou suggested.因此,我订购了佳能ZX123,这是你建议购买的型号之一。
7.We have placed an order for a new……and hopefully it will be delivered soon.
8.It should be delivered and in operation by the end of the month.它应该在本月底之前送到并投入使用。
9.I am sure that this new purchase will help to create a better workingenvironment.我敢肯定这次新添置的设施能够帮助我们营造一个更好的工作环境。
10.Thank you again for your suggestion and I hope the new machine will helpimprove your working efficiency.再次感谢你的意见,我想这台新设备将会提高你们的工作效率。
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr. Tang,
Thank you for your request for a new photocopier. I have looked into this matter and agree with you that our present one is no longer economical.Therefore, I have ordered the Canon ZX123 which was one of the models you suggested.It should be delivered and in operation by the end of the month.
Thank you again for your suggestion and I hope the new machine will helpimprove your working efficiency.
Yours sincerely,
John Wu
批准延长截止日期 Approval for Deadline Extension
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.We have received your email requesting an extension of the July 31 deadline.我们已经收到了你要求延长7月31日这个最后期限的电邮。
2.Thank you for your email requesting an extension deadline.谢谢你请求延长最后期限的邮件。
3.I received your email of October 9 and, after careful consideration, I havedecided to grant your request to extend the November 13 deadline to November 30.我已经收到你于10月9日发出的邮件,经过认真考虑,我决定同意你的请求,将11月13日的最后期限延至11月30日。
4.We have taken into consideration your present circumstances and agreethat an extension to the deadline is the only feasible option at present.我们已经考虑了你们目前的处境并且同意你们的看法,即延长最后期限是目前唯一可行的方案。
5.We are happy to agree to your request for an extension to the July 31 deadline.我们愿意批准你的请求,延长7月31日这一最后期限。
6.The new deadline will be August 31.新的最后期限为8月31日。
7.We agree to your request to extend the deadline to August 31.我们同意你的请求,延长最后期限至8月31日。
8.I look forward to the work being completed on time.我期望这项工作能够按时完成。
9.I hope that this new deadline will be strictly adhered to.我希望你们能严格遵守这个新的最后期限。
10.Please note that no further deadline extensions will be granted.请注意:
经典范文 Model
Dear Mr Wang,
I received your email of October 9 and, after careful consideration, I have decided to grant your request to extend the November 13 deadline to November 30. You are right.We will save money by taking the extra time to include the more durable plastic components.
Thank you for keeping our best interests in mind. I look forward to viewing the finished work.
Kindest regards,
Julia Pan
批准投标 Approval for Bids
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for submitting your bid.谢谢你提交标书。
2.We have now received and examined all bids for the new contract.我们目前已经收到并审查了所有对这一新合同的投标。
3.We have now examined all the bids received from the parties involved andare pleased to inform you that you have been successful.我们已经审核了所有参与竞标方的投标,在此,我们很高兴地通知贵公司,你们中标了。
4.All the submitted bids have been examined against our specifications andwe are pleased to announce that your bid has been accepted.我们按照我们的具体要求审核了所有投标,在此,我们很高兴地宣布,我们接受了贵公司的投标。
5.As your bid was the lowest tender we are glad to announce that you havewon the contract to supply us with……因为贵公司的投标是索价最低的,我们很高兴地宣布,贵公司赢得了为我公司供应……的合同。
6.Please accept this email as official confirmation that you bid has beenaccepted by our company.贵公司的投标已经被我公司接受,谨以此邮件作为正式的确认。
7.Congratulations!Your bid was successful.恭喜!贵公司中标了。
8.We look forward to you completing the contract within two months.我们期待贵公司在两个月之内完成该合同。
9.The work must be finalized by the end of June.这项工作必需在6月底之前完成。
10.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.如果你有任何问题,请即刻与我联系。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Re:Webpage bid
Dear Mr. Chan,
Thank you for submitting your bid. We have now examined all the bids received from the parties involved and are pleased to inform you that you have been successful.Congratulations!
The web site must be ready for testing by January 31 and fully operational by February 27. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
William Du
批准预算 Approval for Budget
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.Thank you for submitting next year's preliminary budget.谢谢你提交的下一年度的初步预算。
2.We have received your proposed budget for the next fiscal year.我们已经收到你提交的下一财政年度的概算。
3.We have now received all the budgets and I am pleased to confirm thatyours has been approved.我们目前已经收到了所有的预算报告,在此,我很高兴地确认,你的预算已经通过了。
4.Subject to a few minor changes your budget has been approved.除了需要一些小的改动外,你的预算已经被批准了。
5.I am glad to say that it has been approved.我很高兴地通知你,预算通过了。
6.Thank you for preparing such a detailed budget.谢谢你做了这么详细的预算。
7.Thank you for doing such a good job with it.这件事你干得漂亮,谢谢。
8.I appreciate all the time you have spent in preparing the budget.我非常感谢你下这么大的功夫做预算。
9.Please note that any further changes to the budget must be submitted tome first.请注意,对预算所做的任何进一步的改动都必需先提交给我。
10.Please find attached the approved version of your budget for next year.有关你的下一年度预算的批准版本详见附件。
经典范文 Model
Dear Ted,
Thank you for submitting next year's preliminary budget. I am glad to say that it has been approved.Thank you for doing such a good job with it.
Li Meihua