中国科学技术馆是我国唯一的国家级综合性科技馆,是实施科教兴国 战略、人才强国战略和创新驱动发展战略,提高全民科学素质的大型科普 基础设施。除了提供科学性、知识性、趣味性相结合的展览内容和科学教育, 中国科学技术馆还承担了流动科技馆、科普大篷车、数字科技馆、农村中 学科技馆等项目的管理和服务任务,自身服务于中国特色现代科技馆体系 建设与科普事业发展的职责和任务不断拓展,其促进理论研究、引领事业 发展使命光荣、任重道远。
自1988 年9 月一期工程建成开放,中国科学技术馆已走过了30 个年 头。30 年中,中国科学技术馆经历了一期、二期和新馆三个阶段的建设发展; 30 年里,中国科学技术馆事业在迎接各种发展机遇、应对各种挑战中砥砺 前行;30 年来,几代中国科学技术馆人在学术研究、实践探索和开拓前进 中积淀了宝贵的经验,积累了一批珍贵的历史文献、技术资料。
不忘初心,方得始终;以史为鉴,得失明知。中国科学技术馆策划、编 著“中国科学技术馆馆史书系”丛书,旨在真实记载中国科学技术馆的发 展历程,系统反映重要的展览展品内容,深度挖掘其不为人熟知的魅力, 客观总结建设发展的经验,让中国科学技术馆的历史焕发出勃勃生机。丛 书兼顾学术性、资料性和可读性,成熟一本,出版一本,力求质量,系列 出版,自成体系。希望不仅能帮助读者了解中国科学技术馆事业发展历史, 同时能对展览展品设计和科技教育工作提供启发、借鉴和帮助。
Preface to History BookSeries of China
Science and Technology Museum
As the only national-level comprehensive science and technology museumin China, China Science and Technology Museum (CSTM) is a largescalescience popularization infrastructure for implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talents and the strategy of innovation-drivendevelopment, and improving the scientific literacy of the whole people. In addition to providing the exhibition contents and science education that integrate scientific, informative and interesting features, CSTM also undertakes the management and service of mobile science museum, science circus wagon, digital science and technology museum, rural middle school science and technology museum projects. Its duties and tasks of serving the construction of the modern science and technology museum with Chinese characteristics and the development of sciencepopularization keep continuously expanding,and its mission of promoting the theoretical research and carrying forward thearduous and glorious career also has a long way to go.
Since the Phase I works was completed and opened in September 1988,CSTM has been in business for 30 years. In the past 30 years, CSTM has experienced three phases of construction, i.e. Phase I, II and new venue. In the past 30 years, CSTM has been forging ahead by welcoming various development opportunities and coping with various challenges. Over the past 30 years, several generations of CSTM personnel have accumulated valuable experience in academic research, practical exploration and pioneering advancing, and also deposited a large number of precious historical documents and technical materials.
Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Learn from history, and you can be fully aware of gain and loss. The “History Book Series of China Science and Technology Museum”, plotted and compiled by CSTM, aims to truly record the development history ofCSTM,systematically reflect the important exhibition contents, deeply explore the irunknown charms, objectively summarize the experience of construction and development, and make the history of CSTM show great vitality. For these book series, with an overall consideration given to the academic, informative and readable nature, the publication frequency depends on the maturity level of each book. In this process, we will strive for the quality guarantee, and pursue the goal of serial publication and self-established system. It is hoped to help readers understand the development history of CSTM career, and to provide inspiration, reference and help for exhibition exhibits design and scientific education work.
Yin Hao
General Director of CSTM