Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Installation and Management

Verifying the Siebel Gateway Name Server Installation on Linux or UNIX

In order to verify the successful configuration of a new Siebel Gateway Name Server and its operating state, we navigate to its root folder and execute the script.

. ./

The script sets the environment variables necessary to execute the Gateway Name Server control commands. These commands are:

  • list_ns
  • start_ns
  • stop_ns

In the following, we discuss how to use these commands to verify the status of the Gateway Name Server.

We can use the list_ns command to verify that a Siebel Gateway Server is installed and running. From the Gateway Name Server's installation folder, we enter:


The script executes and returns a message, which indicates the start up time and process ID of the Siebel Gateway Name Server. If the message indicates that the service is not started, we can use the start_ns script to start it. At the command line enter:


followed by:


to verify the successful start.

Another way to verify that the Siebel Gateway Name Server is running is by using the ps command. The following command would output all process instances in execution by the siebsvc program, which is the executable behind the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the Siebel Server:

ps- fea | grep siebsvc

The –fea switch ensures that we see full information for all processes. We use the | symbol to direct the output to the "pipe" and the grep command to read only those lines from the pipe that contain the string siebsvc.

The previous screenshot shows the result of the ps command. We can verify that the siebsvc executable is running and has instantiated the Gateway Name Server by verifying the –s switch gtwyns.

If we need to stop the Gateway Name Server, we issue the following command at the installation folder:


This command will stop the Siebel Gateway Name Server. However, the Siebel Gateway Name Server must be operational before we continue with the installation of a Siebel Enterprise.

Apart from creating a new daemon or service, the configuration wizard has also invoked the creation of the siebns.dat file, which we can now locate in the sys subdirectory of the Siebel Gateway Name Server installation folder.


On your demonstration machine, launch the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard for the Siebel Enterprise as described in this section and follow the steps to configure a new Siebel Gateway Name Server.