The getCssValue() method
The getCssValue method can be called on all the WebElements. This method is used to fetch a CSS property value from a WebElement. CSS properties can be font-family, background-color, color, and so on. This is useful when you want to validate the CSS styles that are applied to your WebElements through your test scripts. The API syntax for the getCssValue() method is as follows:
java.lang.String getCssValue(java.lang.String propertyName)
In the preceding code, the input parameter is the String value of the CSS property name, and the return type is the value assigned to that property name.
The following is the code example to retrieve font-family of the text from the Search box:
public void elementGetCssValueExample() {
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.name("q"));
System.out.println("Font of the box is: "
+ searchBox.getCssValue("font-family"));
The preceding code uses the getCssValue() method to find font-family of the text visible in the Search box. The output of the method is shown here:
Font of the box is: Raleway, "Helvetica Neue", Verdana, Arial, sans-serif