The isSelected() method
The isSelected method returns a boolean value if an element is selected on the web page and can be executed only on a radio button, options in select, and checkbox WebElements. When executed on other elements, it will return false. The API syntax for the isSelected() method is as follows:
boolean isSelected()
The preceding method returns a Boolean value specifying whether the target element is selected on the web page. The following is the code to verify whether the Search box is selected on a search page:
public void elementStateExample() {
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.name("q"));
System.out.println("Search box is selected: "
+ searchBox.isSelected());
The preceding code uses the isSelected() method. It returns false for the Search box, because this is not a radio button, options in select, or a checkbox. The preceding code returns false for the Search box:
Search box is selected: false
To select a Checkbox or Radio button, we need to call the WebElement.click() method, which toggles the state of the element. We can use the isSelected() method to see whether it's selected.