
How to do it...
Before you start coding, note that you can inspect the BAM file using samtools view -h (this is if you have SAMtools installed, which we recommend, even if you use the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) or something else for variant calling). We suggest that you take a look at the header file and the first few records. The SAM format is too complex to be described here. There is plenty of information on the internet about it; nonetheless, sometimes, there's some really interesting information buried in these header files.
Let's take a look at the following steps:
- Let's inspect the header files:
import pysam
bam = pysam.AlignmentFile('NA18489.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.YRI.exome.20121211.bam', 'rb')
headers = bam.header
for record_type, records in headers.items():
print (record_type)
for i, record in enumerate(records):
if type(record) == dict:
print('\t%d' % (i + 1))
for field, value in record.items():
print('\t\t%s\t%s' % (field, value))
print('\t\t%s' % record)
The header is represented as a dictionary (where the key is the record_type). As there can be several instances of the same record_type, the value of the dictionary is a list (where each element is, again, a dictionary, or sometimes a string containing tag/value pairs).
- We will now inspect a single record. The amount of data per record is quite complex. Here, we will focus on some of the fundamental fields for paired-end reads. Check the SAM file specification and the pysam API documentation for more details:
for rec in bam:
if rec.cigarstring.find('M') > -1 and rec.cigarstring.find('S') > -1 and not rec.is_unmapped and not rec.mate_is_unmapped:
print(rec.query_name, rec.reference_id, bam.getrname(rec.reference_id), rec.reference_start, rec.reference_end)
print(rec.query_alignment_start, rec.query_alignment_end, rec.query_alignment_length)
print(rec.next_reference_id, rec.next_reference_start,rec.template_length)
print(rec.is_paired, rec.is_proper_pair, rec.is_unmapped, rec.mapping_quality)
Note that the BAM file object is iterable over its records. We will transverse it until we find a record whose CIGAR string contains a match and a soft clip.
The CIGAR string gives an indication of the alignment of individual bases. The clipped part of the sequence is the part that the aligner failed to align (but is not removed from the sequence). We will also want the read, its mate ID, and position (of the pair, as we have paired-end reads) that was mapped to the reference genome.
First, we print the query template name, followed by the reference ID. The reference ID is a pointer to the name of the sequence on the given references on the lookup table of references. An example will make this clear. For all records on this BAM file, the reference ID is 19 (a non-informative number), but if you apply bam.getrname(19), you will get 20, which is the name of the chromosome. So, do not confuse the reference ID (in this case, 19 ) with the name of the chromosome (20). This is then followed by the reference start and reference end. pysam is 0-based, not 1-based. So, be careful when you convert coordinates to other libraries. You will notice that the start and end for this case is 59,996 and 60,048, which means an alignment of 52 bases. Why is there only 52 bases when the read size is 76 (remember, the read size used in this BAM file)? The answer can be found on the CIGAR string, which in our case will be 52M24S, which is a 52 bases match, followed by 24 bases that were soft-clipped.
Then, we print where the alignment starts and ends and calculate its length. By the way, you can compute this by looking at the CIGAR string. It starts at 0 (as the first part of the read is mapped) and ends at 52. The length is 76 again.
Now, we query the mate (something that you will only do if you have paired-end reads). We get its reference ID (as shown in the previous code), its start position, and a measure of the distance between both pairs. This measure of distance only makes sense if both mates are mapped to the same chromosome.
We then plot the Phred score (refer to the previous recipe on Phred scores) for the sequence, and then only for the aligned part. Finally, we print the sequence (don't forget to do this!). This is the complete sequence, not the clipped one (of course, you can use the preceding coordinates to clip).
- Now, let's plot the distribution of the successfully mapped positions in a subset of sequences in the BAM file:
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
counts = [0] * 76
for n, rec in enumerate(bam.fetch('20', 0, 10000000)):
for i in range(rec.query_alignment_start, rec.query_alignment_end):
counts[i] += 1
freqs = [x / (n + 1.) for x in counts]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9))
ax.plot(range(1, 77), freqs)
We will start by initializing an array to keep the count for the entire 76 positions. Note that we then fetch only the records for chromosome 20 between positions 0 and 10 Mbp. We will just use a small part of the chromosome here. It's fundamental to have an index (generated by tabix) for these kinds of fetch operations; the speed of execution will be completely different.
We traverse all records in the 10 Mbp boundary. For each boundary, we get the alignment start and end, and increase the counter of mappability among the positions that were aligned. Finally, we convert this into frequencies, and then plot it, as shown in the following graph:

It's quite clear that the distribution of mappability is far from being uniform; it's worse at the extremes, with a drop in the middle.
- Finally, let's get the distribution of Phred scores across the mapped part of the reads. As you may suspect, this is probably not going to be uniform:
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
phreds = defaultdict(list)
for rec in bam.fetch('20', 0, None):
for i in range(rec.query_alignment_start, rec.query_alignment_end):
maxs = [max(phreds[i]) for i in range(76)]
tops = [np.percentile(phreds[i], 95) for i in range(76)]
medians = [np.percentile(phreds[i], 50) for i in range(76)]
bottoms = [np.percentile(phreds[i], 5) for i in range(76)]
medians_fig = [x - y for x, y in zip(medians, bottoms)]
tops_fig = [x - y for x, y in zip(tops, medians)]
maxs_fig = [x - y for x, y in zip(maxs, tops)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,9))
ax.stackplot(range(1, 77), (bottoms, medians_fig,tops_fig))
ax.plot(range(1, 77), maxs, 'k-')
Here, we again use default dictionaries that allow you to use a bit of initialization code. We now fetch from start to end and create a list of Phred scores in a dictionary whose index is the relative position in the sequence read.
We then use NumPy to calculate the 95th, 50th (median), and 5th percentiles, along with the maximum of quality scores per position. For most computational biology analysis, having a statistical summarized view of the data is quite common. So, you're probably already familiar with not only percentile calculations, but also with other Pythonic ways to calculate means, standard deviations, maximums, and minimums.
Finally, we will perform a stacked plot of the distribution of Phred scores per position. Due to the way matplotlib expects stacks, we have to subtract the value of the lower percentile from the one before with the stackplot call. We can use the list for the bottom percentiles, but we have to correct the median and the top as follows: