Although you may have a lengthy course description in the course catalog, along with additional text that describes the course outcomes, you may not want to include it all in the description.
Instead, in the Course summary box, type a brief description that captures the essence of your course. Note that the box includes a number of web-editing tools that allow you to customize the appearance of the description. This capability will be very helpful later when we look at the overall appearance of the course page.
You may also use the Course summary files box, which gives you the opportunity to upload files using the Add option or by dragging and dropping them. Using Course summary files gives you an opportunity to incorporate multiple modalities in adherence to the principles of UDL so that your course information is in text as well as audio and/or video format. By making your course information available in audio and video format, you will be making your material accessible to a wide array of learners.
For example, you may insert the link to an audio file (MP3 is ideal) or a video you have uploaded to YouTube, or insert the link to an embedded player. You may also include a link to an expanded text file that includes more detailed information.