Apache Spark Deep Learning Cookbook

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone with a basic understanding of machine learning and big data concepts and who is looking to expand their understanding through a top-down rather than a bottom-up approach. This book gives access to deep learning as well as machine learning algorithms in a plug-and-play fashion. Anyone without previous programming experience, especially with Python, can easily implement the algorithms in this book by following the recipes step by step as instructed. Most of the code in this book is self-explanatory. Each code block performs one particular function or executes on the action in mining, manipulating, transforming, and fitting data to deep learning models.

This book is intended to give the reader both hands-on experience through fun projects such as stock price prediction, as well as a more solid understanding of deep learning and machine learning concepts This is possible the numerous links provided to online resources, such as published papers, tutorials, and guides, throughout every chapter in the book.