Reinforcement Learning with TensorFlow

The softmax function

The softmax function is mainly used to handle classification problems and preferably used in the output layer, outputting the probabilities of the output classes. As seen earlier, while solving the binary logistic regression, we witnessed that the sigmoid function was able to handle only two classes. In order to handle multi-class we need a function that can generate values for all the classes and those values follow the rules of probability. This objective is fulfilled by the softmax function, which shrinks the outputs for each class between 0 and 1 and divides them by the sum of the outputs for all the classes:

For examples, , where x refers to four classes.

Then, the softmax function will gives results (rounded to three decimal places) as:

Thus, we see the probabilities of all the classes. Since the output of every classifier demands probabilistic values for all the classes, the softmax function becomes the best candidate for the outer layer activation function of the classifier.