About the reviewers
Basil Miller is the cofounder of Devlight and an Ivano-Frankivsk based leading Android developer. Since 2014, Android developers all over the world keep spectating his progress and using free products developed in the role of an open source Android UI widgets provider. Those libraries have reached the top of the popular trend charts kept for a long time. Being a cofounder and developer, Basil is able and willing to collaborate in work on the new business projects and start-ups. Also, it is easy to contact Basil in order to involve him into the projects as a mobile development consultant.
Brian Sheridan is an expert in UX research. He is an associate editor of UXPA and writes on UX among other things for the Fluid UI blog. He is a lecturer at Maynooth University where he was a supervisor on major research projects for over 10 years. He is part of the team at Fluid UI which helps users to create wireframes and prototypes in minutes and unlock their creativity.
Peter is a passionate user experience designer, researcher, frequent conference speaker, and best-selling author. As the principal of far Zenith, he has over nine years of success in UX, having worked for big brands, such as Amazon, Tesco, Virgin Atlantic, HSBC, or British Gas. He was also leading the UX team at the world’s biggest online gambling company—The Stars Group Inc. If you want to learn more, visit his UX blog—the Kaizen-UX.com. Oh, and before we forget, he loves cats!