Scala Test-Driven Development

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Hello, TDD!, contains a brief introduction of TDD and Agile process. We discussed the benefits of TDD and how and why it needs to be used.

Chapter 2, First Test-Driven Application, creates our very first working application using TDD. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a quick win and give a taste of what lies ahead.

Chapter 3, Clean Code Using ScalaTest, discusses some of the principles of clean code and delves into the ScalaTest framework.

Chapter 4, Refactor Mercilessly, discusses various refactoring techniques and their benefits. The idea is to build a gradual appreciation of the refactoring process.

Chapter 5, Another Level of Testing, discusses the concepts of functional testing and behaviour-driven development.

Chapter 6, Mock Objects and Stubs, takes an in-depth look into the mocking frameworks that can be used with ScalaTest and Specs2 to enable mocking out the dependencies during testing.

Chapter 7, Property-Based Testing, discusses the techniques of writing tests that are driven from inputs provided in the form of tabular data or that is randomly generated.

Chapter 8, Scala TDD with Specs2, looks at an alternative testing framework for test-driving Scala code. We also compare ScalaTest and Specs2 so the reader can make an informed choice.

Chapter 9, Miscellaneous and Emerging Trends in Scala TDD, explores some new techniques, features, and processes that may soon become incorporated into the mainstream application development process.