Building Clouds with Windows Azure Pack


One day I saw a dream, some sort of drafts, samples, and rough notes, dreams really come true. I am an author now and I am living my dream!

First of all, special thanks to my family for providing encouragement and patience throughout the writing of this book. Special thanks to Mrs. Puspanjali Patnaik, who always gave me full freedom to learn and practice anything I have ever wanted in the initial years of my career.

In general, I would also like to thank my friends, colleagues, and all the people who have ever attended any of my trainings and sessions or interacted with me on technologies in any medium. Your feedback inspired me for authoring this book.

I extend my thanks to Packt Publishing for giving me this opportunity to write my first book and Onkar Wani, Shubhangi Dhamgaye, Murtaza Tinwala, Yesha Gangani, and Ruchita Bhansali from Packt for their tremendous support throughout this journey. Big thanks to my reviewer Efim Idelman for taking time out of his schedule to help me in improving the content of this book. Last but not the least, thanks to Karan Singh for introducing and providing me guidance during the writing of this book.