Extending Unity with Editor Scripting

Adding a structure to our levels

Open the Run & Jump project and look for the folder Scripts/Level. Inside this folder, you will find all the related to the video game. The Level class is responsible for making our levels work.

As you may have noticed, in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Editor Scripting, all the level piece prefabs are added to the scene and used by the level without a problem, but we don't have control over the size of the level or any way to guarantee that the level piece prefabs are going to be in the right position. Most important, the Level class is not aware about the level piece prefabs present on the level.

We are going to fix this situation making changes to the Level class, adding an array to save references to the level piece prefabs and define it size based in the total columns and rows supported by that array.

Visually, you are going to see the size of the level with the help of a grid made with gizmos.

As this chapter requires changes on the Level class, there a couple of things you must know:

  • The Level class is a partial class, this means that its content is divided in several files: the Level.cs and Level.Logic.cs scripts. This is just to make its manipulation easier in the book. All the changes will take place in Level.cs.
  • The Level class follows a Singleton design pattern, this means that the instantiation of the class is restricted to just one object and you can have access to this from any other class using the Level.Instance method.
