Microsoft Application Virtualization Cookbook

About the Author

James Preston is an IT professional working in the field of education and has a broad range of interests, including virtualization with Hyper-V and App-V, data-orientated application design with Visual Studio Lightswitch, IP telephony, and remote access technologies.

Willing to share this breadth of knowledge, he runs a personal blog (, which covers a wide range of topics; this most recently includes an end-to-end deployment of Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2, publishing a WebDAV server, the effective integration of student databases with virtual learning environments, and a take on an enterprise Wi-Fi deployment.

James has previously provided technical reviews for books on Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix® VDI-In-A-Box.

When not working, he can be found in a local coffee shop, having a go at the latest computer games or planning the training program for his local Air Cadet squadron.