
第四节 营销管理过程

图1-6 公司战略规划过程
Figure 1-6 Strategic Planning Process
表1-3 知名企业的使命
Table 1-3 Missions of Some Famous Companies

产品—市场矩阵由管理大师伊戈尔·安索夫(Igor Ansoff)博士提出,因此也被称作安索夫矩阵(Ansoff Matrix),主要用于多元化市场战略分析。多元化分析是用于帮助公司从现有市场、新市场、现有产品和新产品之中找到成长机会的方法。产品—市场矩阵通过在现有市场、新市场、现有产品和新产品之间进行组合,为管理者提供不同的成长性战略来达成组织目标。根据图1-7所示,产品—市场矩阵为管理者提供了4种战略选择。

图1-7 产品—市场矩阵
Figure 1-7 Product-market Matrix

图1-8 波士顿成长—份额矩阵
Figure 1-8 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Growth-Share Matrix

图1-9 营销管理过程
Figure 1-9 Marketing Management Process

图1-10 营销战略与营销组合
Figure 1-10 Marketing Strategies and Marketing Mix
随着时代的不断发展,许多新的营销组合观念也被提出。如随着全球化营销的出现,有学者提出6P理论,在4P的基础上增加了政治权力(politics power)和公共关系(public relation);随着服务营销的兴起,7P理论被学者提出,在4P的基础上增加了有形展示(physical evidence)、流程(process)和人(people)三个组合因素;随着对营销战略规划的重视,又出现了10P理论,在6P理论的基础上,增加探查(probing)、区隔(partitioning)、优先次序(prioritizing)和定位(positioning);随着顾客导向的不断强化,4C理论悄然兴起,包括顾客(customer)、成本(cost)、便利(convenience)和沟通(communication);随着关系营销的兴起,4R理论又被提出,包括关联(relevance)、反应(response)、关系(relationships)、回报(returns)。这些新型营销组合理论的提出,反映了企业经营目标从短期转向长期对营销提出的新的目标和要求,但是4P理论是所有营销组合理论的出发点。因此,本教材仍选用4P理论作为主要内容,来分析营销组合要素的各自特点。
Case Study Comparison
全球规模最大的中式快餐连锁是什么?不是真功夫,也不是大家乐,而是美国的熊猫快餐,这家由数学硕士程正昌和电子工程学博士蒋佩琪创建的快餐连锁品牌已经拥有1 600多家餐厅、23 000多名员工,年营业额超十亿美元。目前,熊猫快餐几乎每周有三家新店开张,远远超过美国本土快餐巨头汉堡王的开店速度。
为吸收美国餐厅的专业管理经验,加速在全美的扩张,1992年熊猫快餐聘请管理专家唐·麦克马斯(Don McComas)出任公司总裁,全面负责熊猫快餐的连锁推广项目,首次打破了公司管理层清一色是华裔的局面。其后,程正昌又请来了Chi-Chi连锁的总裁Joseph Micatrotto,以及原El Torito的行政主管Russell Bendel,分别担任公司的总裁执行长及总经理。这一人才计划加快了熊猫快餐发展步伐。
(资料来源:节选自张馨.熊猫快餐:全球最大中式快餐连锁式如何炼成的?http://money.163.com/13/0911/ 06/98FKSIK800253G87.html,2013.9.11)
Why Starbucks Succeeds in China and Others Haven’t
Some scholars thought the Chinese would not easily give up their tea-drinking culture for a bitter, overpriced drink. Starbucks has proven them wrong. Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, announced that China would soon become its largest market outside the United States.
What did Starbucks do to succeed in a market where so many other Western food and beverage brands have failed to live up to their own expectations?
Instead of trying to force onto the market the same products that work in the U.S., such as whip cream-covered frozen coffee concoctions, Starbucks developed flavors, such as green tea-flavored coffee drinks, which appeal to local tastes. Rather than pushing take-out orders, which account for the majority of American sales, Starbucks adapted to local consumer wants and promoted dine-in service.
By offering comfortable environments in a market where few restaurants had air conditioning in the late 1990s, Starbucks become a defacto meeting place for executives as well as for the gathering of friends. In other words, Starbucks adapted its business model specifically for the Chinese, rather than trying to transplant everything that worked in America into China.
Not only does Starbuck's premium pricing strategy fit market demands but it also allows it to regularly roll out higher-margin specialty products, such as gift sets that offset rising commodity costs. If you think Starbucks is pricey here, you could imagine what you'd pay in Shanghai.
Starbucks understood that the value proposition it was offering Chinese was different than in the U.S. They were able to adapt their business model to fit China while keeping their core values. So far, it's working pretty well.
Still, it will be an ongoing juggling act for Starbucks. As China's urbanization rate nears 52%, Starbucks and other companies there need to implement strategies to offset the impact of rising commodity costs.
(Source: Adapted from Shaun Rein. Why Starbucks Succeeds in China and Others Haven’t, http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/story/2012-02-12/cnbc-starbucks-secrets-of-china-success/53040820/1?loc=interstitialskip, 2012.2.12)
Key Terms
需要A human need is a state of feeling deprivation of some basic satisfaction.
欲望Wants are desires for specific satisfiers of these deeper needs.
需求Demands are wants for specific products that are backed by the ability and willingness to buy them.
价值Value reflects the perceived tangible and intangible benefits to customers.
顾客总成本Total customer cost is the complete packet or fees a customer expects to pay in the researching, buying, obtaining and maintaining of a given product or service.
顾客让渡价值Customer delivered value is the final value given to a customer, by subtracting total customer cost from total customer value.
顾客满意Customer satisfaction reflects a person's comparative judgments resulting from a product's perceived performance in relation to his or her expectations.
市场营销Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
生产观念Production concept holds that consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. Therefore, the organization should focus on improving production and distribution efficiency.
产品观念Product concept holds that consumers will favor products that offer the most in quality, performance, and innovative features. Under this concept, marketing strategy focuses on making continuous product improvements.
销售观念 Selling concept holds that consumers will not buy enough of the firm's products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.
营销观念Marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do.
社会营销观念 Societal marketing concept holds that a company's marketing decisions should consider consumers’ want, the company's requirements, and consumers’ long-run interests.
营销环境Marketing environment is composed of the forces and actors that affect a company's ability to operate effectively in providing products and services to its customers.
环境扫描 Environmental scanning is the process of continually acquiring information on events occurring outside the organization to identify and interpret potential trends.
全球化采购Global sourcing is the practice of sourcing from the global market for goods and services across geopolitical boundaries.
营销中间商Marketing intermediaries are firms that help the company promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers.
政治风险Political risk is the possibility of a change in a country's political environment or government policy that would adversely affect a company's ability to operate effectively and profitably.
总收入Gross income is the total amount of money made in one year by a person, household, or family unit.
个人可支配收入Disposable income is the money a consumer has left after paying taxes to use for necessities such as food, clothing, housing and transportation.
个人可任意支配收入Discretionary income is the money that remains after paying for taxes and necessities.
平均消费倾向Average Propensity to Consume (APC) refers to the percentage of income spent on goods and services rather than on savings.
恩格尔法则Engel's Law is an economic theory that the proportion of income spent on food decreases as income increases, and other factors remaining constant.
恩格尔系数Engel's coefficient means that consumers increase their spending on food by a smaller amount than the increase in income.
环境成本Environmental costs are costs connected with the actual or potential deterioration of natural assets due to economic activities.
战略规划Strategic planning includes all the activities that lead to the development of a clear organizational mission, organizational objectives, and appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives for the entire organization.
使命Mission statement, or purpose, of an organization is the description of its reason for existence.It defines the direction in which the organization is heading and how it will succeed in reaching its desired goal.
目标Organizational objectives are the end points of an organization's mission and are what it seeks through the ongoing, long-run operations of the organization.
多元化分析Diversification analysis is a technique that helps a firm search for growth opportunities from among current and new markets as well as current and new products.
业务组合Business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.战略业务单位Strategic Business Units (SBUs) are individual units within the firm that operate like separate businesses, and each with their own mission, objectives, resources, etc.
SWOT分析法SWOT Analysis is a conceptual framework for a systematic analysis that facilitates matching the external threats and opportunities with the internal weaknesses and strengths of the organization.
营销组合Marketing mix is the set of tactical marking tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.
营销审计Marketing audit refers to the comprehensive, systematic, independent and periodic evaluation of the business marketing environment, both internal and external, its goals, objectives, strategies, and principles to ascertain the areas of problem and opportunities.
1. Is there any difference between the definition of marketing in the textbook and your idea about marketing?
2. What is the difference between a need, a want, and a demand? Please explain it using an example.
3. What is marketing myopia, and how can it be avoided?
4. What is a market offering and why should marketers avoid focusing on just their offering to potential buyers?
5. Discuss the basic elements of the marketing concept. Which philosophy do you prefer? Why?Explain.
6. What are the forces in the marketing environment? How much control does a marketing manager have over these forces?
7. Choose one local brand and analyze their marketing environments. Decide which one is most important factor. If the brand wants to entry global market, what should it do?
8. One of your friends says,“If you want to succeed in marketing, you have to be creative.” The other says,“If you want to succeed in marketing, you have to be analytical.” What position do you take? Why?
9. Choose one company as an example, and explain how a mission statement gives it a strategic direction.
10. Describe the business portfolio planning process and the role marketing plays in the process.
11. Explain the roles of market segmentation, market targeting, differentiation, and positioning in implementing an effective marketing strategy.
12. What is SWOT analysis and why is it important? Is it useful for your daily life? Please choose one real company to explain the benefit of SWOT for the company.
13. When assessing actual performance of a marketing plan, should a marketer perform marketing cost analysis? Why or why not?
14. What is the implementation phase of the strategic marketing process?
15. Distinguish clearly between a marketing strategy and a marketing mix. Use an example.
16. Give an example of a foreign-made product that you personally have purchased. Give some reasons why you purchased that product. Do you think it will be a good opportunity for a domestic firm to get your business? Explain why or why not?
Internet Exercises
Please visit the following corporate websites, and find the statement of mission, company's history, organizational objectives and product lines. Discuss with your group members about the websites design.
1. Haier, www.haier.net
2. Samsung, china.samsung.com.cn
3. Apple, www.apple.com