3 Basic Requirements
3.1 Types of Storage Tanks
3.1.1 A low temperature steel storage tank may be a single containment tank,a double containment tank or a full containment tank.
3.1.2 A single containment tank may be a single containment tank without outer shell(Figure 3.1.2-1)or a single containment tank with outer shell(Figure 3.1.2-2).

Figure 3.1.2-1 Single containment tank without outer shell
1-Foundation heating system;2-Foundation;3-Bottom insulation;4-Primary container(steel);5-Flexible insulating seal;6-Suspended roo(finsulated);7-Roo(fsteel);8-External shell insulation;9-External water vapour barrier;10-Bund wall

Figure 3.1.2-2 Single containment tank with outer shell
1-Foundation heating system;2-Foundation;3-Bottom insulation;4-Primary container(steel);5-Flexible insulating seal;6-Suspended roof(insulated);7-Roof(steel);8-Lose fill insulation;9-Outer shell(steel);10-Bund wall
3.1.3 A double containment tank may consist of a primary container and a secondary steel container(Figure 3.1.3-1)or a primary container and a secondary concrete container(Figure 3.1.3-2).The annular space,between the primary and secondary containers,should not be more than 6.0m.
3.1.4 A full containment tank may consist of a primary container and a secondary steel container(Figure 3.1.4-1)or a primary container and a secondary concrete container(Figure 3.1.4-2).The annular space,between the primary and secondary containers,should not be more than 2.0m.

Figure 3.1.3-1 Double containment tank with secondary steel container
1-Foundation heating system;2-Foundation;3-Bottom insulation;4-Secondary container(steel);5-Primary container(steel);6-Flexible insulating seal;7-Suspended roo(finsulated);8-Roo(fsteel);9-Cover(rain shield);10-External insulation;11-External water vapour barrier

Figure 3.1.3-2 Double containment tank with secondary pre-stressed concrete container
1-Foundation heating system;2-Foundation;3-Bottom insulation;4-Secondary container(concrete);5-Primary container(steel);6-Flexible insulating seal;7-Suspended roof(insulated);8-Roof(steel);9-Cover(rain shield);10-Lose fill insulation;11-Outer shell(steel)

Figure 3.1.4-1 Full containment tank with secondary steel container
1-Foundation heating system;2-Foundation;3-Bottom insulation;4-Secondary container(steel);5-Primary container(steel);6-Flexible insulating seal;7-Suspended roof(insulated);8-Roof(steel);9-Loose fill insulation

Figure 3.1.4-2 Full containment tank with secondary pre-stressed concrete container
1-Foundation heating system;2-Foundation;3-Bottom insulation;4-Primary container(steel);5-Flexible insulating seal;6-Suspended roof(insulated);7-Roof(concrete);8-Insulation on inside of pre-stressed concrete outer tank;9-Secondary container(concrete)