[词语]to bring home the bacon
[趣释]【物事喻指】传说从12世纪初起,英格兰(England)埃塞克斯(Essex)郡的邓莫(Dunmow)城有个习俗,如果已婚夫妇一年之中没有发生过口角,彼此也没离婚单过的念头,就可获得奖励,奖品是该城产的邓莫熏猪肉(the Dunmow bacon/flitch)①。后来,“带着熏猪肉回家”(to bring home the bacon)被用来喻指获胜而归、供养家小、完成任务。英国作家、诗人菲利普·阿瑟·拉金(Philip Arthur Larkin)在其长篇小说《吉尔》(Jill)就用这个典故。
[运用]The College takes a number of fellows like him to keep up the tone…but they look to us to bring home the bacon. 学校也招收一些他这样的人,培养气氛,装装门面……但是维持学校开支的,还得靠我们这些人。(拉金语)
His methods may bring home the bacon. 他的方法可能成功。
Tennyson didn't earn much by his plays; it was his poetry that brought home the bacon. 丁尼生写剧本收入不多,他主要靠写诗维持生计。
They struggle to earn enough money to bring home the bacon. 他们努力赚足够的钱来维持家庭开支。