[词语]Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth.
[趣释]【经典喻指】谚语“别人赠的马,不看岁口”(Don't look a gift-horse in th mouth)仿自拉丁谚语。有人认为它出自罗马帝国神学者圣哲罗姆(Saint Jerome)的著作。圣哲罗姆,生于公元342年,卒于公元420年,是一位罗马天主教教父。他博学多才,是中古时代教会的四大学者之一。他主要著作有《编年史》(Chronicle)、《论名人》(De Viris Illustribus)以及一批信函。在现实生活中,人们买马往往要看马的牙齿,看它是否老弱。但别人送的马就不应该当面挑剔。谚语“别人赠马,不看岁口”喻指对别人赠送的礼物不再找茬,不对礼物吹毛求疵。
[运用]It wasn't much, but don't look a gift-horse in the mouth. 礼物不多,不要对礼物吹毛求疵。
It was one of mother's maxims never to look a gift-horse in the mouth.母亲的箴言之一是,对收到的礼物绝不挑毛病。
I shan't complain about the poor view since the ticket was free; after all, you don't look gift-horse in the mouth. 我不抱怨座位不好,因为票子是免费的,毕竟你不能对别人送的东西吹毛求疵。
Even though the watch Mary gave you is not an expensive one, you shall be quite contented with it and not look a gift-horse in the mouth. 即使玛丽送的手表是便宜货,你也应该知足,不能对礼物说三道四。