[词语]not know(a)B from a battledore
not know(a)B from bull's foot
[趣释]【物事喻指】英国古代最早被称作“书”的东西是“角片书”(battledore)。它实际上是一块薄木板,长9英寸(约22.86厘米),宽5英寸至6英寸(约12.7厘米至15.24厘米),上面刻有字母表(alphabet)和9个阿拉伯数字,有时还有简单的词。木板上有一个个把,镶有薄木角片。在印刷术发明之前,这种“角片书”充当识字课本。B是这种角片书的第一个字母,连这个字母都不认识,那就毫无知识可言了。于是,“不识角片书上的字母B”[not knon(a)B from a battlebore]被用来喻指一字不识、愚昧无知。
[运用]When the boy came to London from that remote village up in the Scottish Highlands, he did not know a B from a bull's foot. 当这个小青年从遥远的苏格兰高地的一个农村来到伦敦时,他什么也不懂。
The man pretended to be reading something, and I know he didn't know a B from a battledore. 那人假装正在读着什么,我知道他是睁眼瞎。
Because of poverty father had no schooling and almost didn't know B from a battledore. 由于贫穷,父亲没有受过教育,简直目不识丁。
The old woman does not know B from a bull's foot. 这位老太太一字不识。