Why We Have the Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day, 14 February, is dedicated to people in love!
On 14 February sweethearts celebrate Valentine’s Day with cards and presents. Cards can be funny, romantic or poetic[17].
Presents can be a box of chocolates,flowers or jewellery.
When and where did this festivity start?
The custom of celebrating Valentine’s Day probably began with the Roman festival of Lupercalia on 15 February. During Lupercalia there were games and dancing. Every young man took the name of a young lady from an urn. The lady was the young man’s sweetheart for one year.
With the beginning of Christianity pagan customs were not permitted, but the festival continued. In the 7th century this festival was called St. Valentine’s Day.
The origin of the name is still a mystery. Some historians say that the
festival took its name from a Christian martyr[18] named Valentine. He died on 14 February in the year 270. Others say Valentine was put in prison by Emperor Claudius because he secretly married young couples. The Emperor did not like these secret marriages.
Some say that Valentine comes from the French word “galantine”(agallant or beau).
A legend says that birds begin to mate on 14 February!
The Roman conquerors brought the celebration to England. In England the pagan and Christian customs combined to form the Valentine festivity.
The Valentine tradition was popular in Shakespeare’s time. Shakespeare’s characters Romeo and Juliet are the eternal[19] symbol of love. In the play Hamlet Ophelia sang this song:
In 17th century London, sweethearts exchanged presents on 14 February. The English settlers took this romantic tradition to the New World.
Some settlers made beautiful Valentine’s cards by hand. They painted butterflies, flowers, cupids and hearts on the cards, and then wrote original verses.
In the 1800’s few people had time to make Valentine’s cards. American manufacturers[20] printed millions of romantic cards. The most popular cards
had moving parts: windows that opened and showed a romantic poem, and little birds that seemed to fly.
After the romantic Valentine, the comic Valentine became popular. It had funny cartoons or grotesque[21] pictures with comic messages.
Today there are all types of Valentine’s cards: romantic, poetic, comic, grotesque, artistic and handmade!
In 1947 the town of Loveland in Colorado, USA, became Cupid’s residence! In Loveland something very unusual happens about two weeks before Valentine’s Day. The Loveland Post Office receives more than 300,000 Valentine’s cards from all over the world.
The Loveland Post Office cancels these cards with the Loveland, Colorado cancellation. A picture of Cupid and romantic verses are stamped on the envelope. Then the Valentine’s cards are sent to the addressee.
These are two examples of the Loveland verses:
In Great Britain it is customary to send an anonymous Valentine’s card
or present to the person you like or love. The person must guess who wrote it.
Today in the United States Valentine’s Day has a bigger meaning. On this day you can send a card or a present to a parent, grandparent, relative or a friend. Valentine’s Day is an occasion to express love or affection to anyone.
In elementary school American boys and girls write cards to their favourite classmates. Then they put them into a big box in the school hall. In the afternoon there is a Valentine’s Day party. The teacher takes the cards out of the box and gives them to the children. This is always an exciting moment!
Children like counting their cards. Most children sign their Valentine’s card, but some remain anonymous or write “From a Secret Admirer”.
In American high schools and universities, there is a “Sweethearts’ Ball” on the evening of 14 February. For the “Sweethearts’ Ball” the hall is decorated with red hearts and cupids! Some people have parties at home to celebrate this day dedicated to love.
In the USA, the top of the Empire State Building in New York City is illuminated[22] with red lights to celebrate Valentine’s Day.